Shadows of the Past

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The House of the Hearth stood silent, its halls echoing with the faint sounds of footsteps and whispers. You walked through its familiar corridors, your mind heavy with the events of the day. Arlecchino was away on a mission, and though you missed her presence, you were used to her absences. However, today was different—today, the shadows of your past had returned, bringing with them a storm of emotions you had long buried.

Your old friends, now your worst enemies, had somehow found themselves in Fontaine, lost and vulnerable in a land they didn't understand. Despite the bitterness that had festered between you, despite their betrayals, you had saved them. You had brought them back to the House of the Hearth, offering them a place of refuge in this unfamiliar world.

But the anger still burned within you, a quiet, controlled fury that you kept in check as you guided them through the house. The memories of their betrayals were fresh in your mind, and every word they spoke, every glance they threw your way, only served to remind you of the pain they had caused.

You had expected gratitude, or at the very least, silence. But as you led them to their temporary quarters, one of them—the one you had been closest to, the one whose betrayal had cut the deepest—began to speak.

"This is all your fault, you know," they said, their voice dripping with bitterness. "Everything that's happened to us, everything we've lost—it's all because of you."

You stopped in your tracks, the words striking you like a physical blow. You turned to face them, your expression carefully neutral, though inside, you could feel the anger rising, a cold fury that threatened to spill over.

"I saved your lives," you said quietly, your voice calm despite the storm brewing within you. "You wouldn't be here if it weren't for me."

"Saved us?" they scoffed, their eyes narrowing as they stepped closer, their voice growing louder. "We wouldn't have needed saving if you hadn't betrayed us first. You always thought you were better than us, didn't you? Always thought you could handle everything on your own. And now look at where it's gotten us."

Their words were like poison, seeping into the cracks of your composure, but you refused to let them see how deeply they had affected you. You stood your ground, your gaze unwavering as you met their eyes, refusing to let them drag you back into the past.

But before you could respond, before you could muster a retort that would put an end to their accusations, you felt a presence behind you—one that sent a wave of relief and warmth washing over you.

Arlecchino had returned.

Her arrival was as silent as ever, but the atmosphere in the room shifted immediately, the air growing thick with tension as she stepped into view. Her gaze was cold, her expression unreadable, but there was no mistaking the protective fury that simmered just beneath the surface.

She moved to your side in a heartbeat, her hand finding its place at your waist, her grip firm yet comforting. The touch was enough to ground you, to remind you that you weren't alone in this—no matter what the past had thrown at you, no matter who stood before you, Arlecchino was here, and she wasn't going to let anyone harm you, physically or emotionally.

"Is there a problem?" Arlecchino's voice was calm, almost too calm, and that made it all the more terrifying. Her eyes never left the person who had dared to insult you, and you could feel the tension radiating from her, a dangerous energy that promised retribution if they crossed the line again.

Your former friend froze, their words dying in their throat as they took in the sight of Arlecchino, her hand possessively resting on your waist, her presence a silent warning. The color drained from their face, the bravado they had shown just moments ago evaporating under the weight of her gaze.

"N-no, there's no problem," they stammered, their voice shaky. "I was just... I was just saying—"

"Whatever it is you were saying," Arlecchino cut them off, her tone icy, "I suggest you choose your words more carefully. You're a guest here, nothing more. And you will show the proper respect to my wife."

The word "wife" seemed to hang in the air, heavy with meaning, and you saw the shock ripple through your old friends as they realized the depth of your connection to Arlecchino. They had known you long ago, but they didn't know this part of your life—they didn't know the woman who now stood by your side, ready to defend you without hesitation.

Your former friend swallowed hard, their eyes darting nervously between you and Arlecchino. "I... I'm sorry," they muttered, their earlier arrogance replaced with fear. "I didn't mean to... I just..."

Arlecchino's eyes narrowed, her grip on your waist tightening ever so slightly. "Enough," she said, her voice a low, dangerous growl. "You've said more than enough. Now, if you have any sense, you'll remember that you're here because of my wife's generosity. Don't make the mistake of thinking that kindness makes her weak."

The silence that followed was thick and heavy, your former friend shrinking back under Arlecchino's gaze. You could see the fear in their eyes, the realization that they had crossed a line they never should have approached.

Finally, they nodded, their head lowered in a gesture of submission. "I understand," they mumbled. "I'll... I'll be quiet."

Arlecchino didn't respond immediately. Instead, she turned her attention to you, her expression softening as she looked into your eyes, her thumb brushing gently against your side. "Are you alright?" she asked quietly, her voice filled with concern.

You nodded, the anger that had been simmering within you finally beginning to ebb away. "I'm fine," you whispered, leaning into her touch, letting her presence soothe the remaining tension in your body. "Now that you're here."

She smiled, a rare, genuine smile that was meant only for you, and you felt a warmth spread through your chest, the love you felt for her overpowering any lingering bitterness from your past.

"Let's go," she said softly, her hand still firmly at your waist as she guided you away from your former friends, her presence a shield between you and the ghosts of your past.

As the two of you walked through the halls of the House of the Hearth, you felt a sense of peace settle over you. The past was the past, and though it had left its scars, you knew that with Arlecchino by your side, you could face whatever shadows lingered there.

When you finally reached the privacy of your quarters, Arlecchino pulled you into her arms, holding you close, her embrace warm and comforting. "I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner," she murmured, her lips pressing gently against your temple. "I should have been here to protect you."

You shook your head, burying your face in the crook of her neck, breathing in the familiar scent that always made you feel safe. "You're here now," you whispered, your voice muffled against her skin. "That's all that matters."

She held you tighter, her hand running soothingly up and down your back. "I won't let anyone hurt you," she promised, her voice filled with quiet determination. "Not ever again."

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