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c a m d e n  ,

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c a m d e n  ,

GEORGE RAISED HIS eyebrows, visibly shocked at her response to his previous confusion. He responded with a laugh of his own, before eventually getting some words out.

"Remember you? Remember you from what?" He meant that in the nicest way possible, no matter how rude it may have sounded to her.

Camilla tilted her head, answering his question with an awkward smile adorned across her features. This eased George up a bit, him understanding that she wasn't messing with him in any way.

"Remember me from when you came in here a few weeks ago. You stumbled in rather drunk and looking for some books to buy your friends. There were three of them outside, but you also had a few cameras following you around."

"Ohhhh!" George smiled, nodding his head at her, the memory from that moment finally returning to him, "Yes, I remember now. We were filming something for my friend. I'm incredibly sorry, I didn't mean to forget, it's not like you are a forgettable person," He laughed awkwardly at this, wanting to explain himself more but deciding he was rambling on too much.

He watched her reaction to his waffle, expecting her to appear visibly bored, but he found her smiling at him, even chuckling under her breath.

"I'm going to take me being an unforgettable person as a compliment," She laughed, her cheeks hurting due to the growing smile on her face.

"Out of all I just said, the only part you picked up is when I said you aren't necessarily a forgettable person?" He laughed at her, glad the underlying tension had risen and there was nothing to be awkward about anymore.

"Well it wasn't the only thing I picked up, but it was the most important thing that you have spoken so far," She smiled even wider, enjoying talking to him now even more than she did a few weeks ago, "Anyway, who is your friend?" She questioned.

 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐃𝐄𝐍 , george clarkeWhere stories live. Discover now