Dare | 9

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As Killua and Gon walked home in a comfortable silence, until Gon broke the silence "You know you're not a bad kisser~" He said looking ahead with his hands in his pockets "Oh really? How do you know for sure?~" Killua said turning his head to the taller male "Hmm how about we find out when we get home then~" Gon said in a flirty tone.

When they reached the house they decided to take a shower "Gon, can i wear your clothes pleaseeeeeee?" Killua pleaded "You literally have a drawer of your clothes here" Gon replied "I know but your clothes look so comfortable~" Killua begged "Fine i guess" Gon shrugged "Thanks~" Killua said blowing a kiss "Mhmm~" He hummed catching the imaginary kiss.

When Killua came out the bathroom Gon thought 'What did i do to deserve someone this cute' as he chuckled "Took you long enough~" Gon teased "Shut up, also i'm hungry" Killua said "Bro i swear we just ate like 30 minutes ago "I don't care" Killua pleaded "Are you sure you just don't want me to cook?" Gon chuckled "I-No.." He said quietly "Stay here i'll go make something" Gon said playfully rolling his eyes "YAYYY!" Killua shouted as Gon shut the bedroom door.




A few minutes later Gon came into the room with Orange chicken and rice with a bottle of water. "Oh my goodness, thank you!!" Killua said hugging the taller male "Yeah yeah, come eat" Gon said playfully. "Okay!!" Killua said grabbing the food and sitting down and eating it.




After Killua finished eating they decided to watch a movie, but they were to distracted by each other's presence to pay attention.

"Oh my gosh and then she tried to fail ME a straight A student!" Killua groaned "Killua she literally gave you a B+" Gon said "I know right?! How could she i swear i got all the questions right!" Killua says frustrated "And then i was late to practice!" He says rolling his eyes "Oh yeah when's your next match?" Gon asked "Uhh in 2 weeks, we're going against hunter high, i heard they're pretty good but we're undefeated" Killua said proudly "Haha, yeah i can't remember the last time you guys have lost" Gon laughed "Heh yeah, what about you? when's your next game?" Killua asked turning to face Gon "Uh i think next week, i dunno who we're going against though.." Gon says facing Killua "Oh okay, i'll ask my mom if i can go, your baseball games are so expensive!" Killua whined "You're so lucky!, your games are free!" Gon laughed "I know, i always have to ask my parents for money haha" Killua said but suddenly yawning "Geez tired already "Yeah kinda..." He says burying his head into Gons chest "Oh well goodnight i guess.." Gon says turning the TV down a little "N..ight.." Killua says dozing off.

cute... Gon thought as he dozed off as well





Gon and Killua woke up almost at the same time "Hm? what time is it?" Killua said sitting up "I dunno, cmon let's get ready!" Gon said enthusiastically "Ughh it's too early Gon" Killua moaned "Oh cmon Killua it's only 6:30" Gon said getting out of bed "We literally have school at 9, Gon" Killua deadpanned "Oops.." Gon said scratching the back of his head "I mean we could do a lot of things in 3 hours!" Gon said "Like what?" He said rubbing his eyes tiredly "Uhh...WE CAN RUN!" of course Gon is the type to run in the morning "no" Killua said almost immediately "Uh... i dunno.....maybe we can get...Gon said knowing what Killua would say "STARBUCKS" Killua said in less than a second "Of course!" Gon smiled "YAYY!" Killua said getting out of bed and running to the bathroom. too cute.. Gon thought heading the make the bed up.




After they got ready, Killua wore a black nirvana shirt with some grey jeans that looked kinda baggy on him from his thin legs with some black and white dunks. Gon wore a black nike muscle shirt and some grey sweatpants with some black cat jordan's. "Killua are you ready?" Gon asked while scrolling on TikTok. "Almost! I'm doing my hair!" The bedhead said from the bathroom "Okayyy~" Gon cried out.





After Killua got ready they got their stuff and headed to starbucks. They decided to pick up Zushi too because why not? After the reached Zushi's house Killua went to know on his door "Zushhhhh!!! cmon" Killua said knocking on the door " 'm cominnn!!" Zushi yelled back as Killua just chuckled. "We're going to starbucks" Killua announced to Zushi "lemme guess, you asked Gon to go?" Zushi implied "I- How did you-" "Because Gon is a simp and he'll literally do anything you tell him!" Zushi argued "What?! No he's not!" Killua argued back "Fine let's make a deal! You have to ask Gon for 5 things throughout the day and if he says yes to more than 3 of them, you owe me....50 bucks !" Zushi said proudly "Deal!" Killua said shaking Zushi's  hand "Alright! cmon before it's too late!" Killua said grabbing Zushi's arm dragging him to the car.

Killua decided to test the dare out to see if Zushi was right. "Gon~ It's so cold can i have your hoodie please?" Killua said in a kinda quiet tone "Oh, sure! i don't mind" Gon said blushing a bit, taking his hoodie off "Thanks!" Killua said giving Gon a hug. "SSSSIIIIMMMPPP" Zushi exclaimed "SHHH!" Killua said, resting his head on Gon's shoulder and wrapping his arms around Gon's arm. "Holy shit i have to take a photo this is adorable~" Zushi coo'd "Shh! let him rest!" Gon whisper-yelled "simp!" Zushi whisper-yelled also.


Killua thought this was actually kinda fun to see Gon act so nice to him "Gonnn!!" Killua said running to Gon and hugging him, returning from his last period of the day "Hi Kil!" Gon said ruffling Killua's hair "Ready to go?" Gon said releasing the hug "Yeah but we have to wait for Zushi!" Killua said looking around "Oh there he is! ZUSHIII!!! OVER HERREEEEE!!!!" Killua called out.

"Hey guys!!!" Zushi said jogging over to them "Killua, you tryna practice later?" Zushi asked walking with them to the car "Sure, Gon you alright with that?" Killua said turning towards Gon "Yeah you're fine, I'm going to hang out with knuckle today anyway" Gon said stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Okay!" Killua said getting into Gon's car "Don't forget the dare, Killua~" Zushi whispered to Killua "I won't idiot" Killua snapped back.

After Gon dropped off Zushi, Him and Killua decided to go to their houses "Alright i'll see you  Gon! Can i come over later?" Killua asked "Of course!" Gon said smiling "Alright, bye!!" Killua said waving him off "bye!" Gon said as well.

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