•𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏•

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"Barbara stop running!" shouted Jean from the doorstep.
Barbara was eager to finally return in the Forest of Whispers after her older sister's sickness and couldn't wait to collect wolfhooks again.
"Come on Jean, hurry up!"
"Girls!" Said the Grand Master Varka Gunnhildr, their father, to draw the two girls' attention. "Barbara stay close to Jean and don't wander in parts of the forest you've never been in before, alright? The Forest of Whispers can be dangerous, especially when the sun sets"
"Yeah dad, don't worry, I'll take care of Barbara" Jean said reassuringly.


It was starting to get late, the sun disappearing over the horizon, the atmosphere getting dark. The sisters walked aimlessly through the forest, hoping to find their way back home. Barbara held to her older sister's arm, finding comfort and warmth in the cold and vicious forest she was trapped in.
"Jean? We..we're lost, right?"
"Don't worry Barbara, I'll bring us home, I can't see anything in this darkn- ACK!"
Jean had tripped over a fallen log and cut her leg, ripping her pants a bit.
"Jean? Jean are you alright?"
"Don't worry, I'm fine, it's a small cut" a trickle of blood slid down her leg, staining her beige pants.
After managing to get over the fallen log, Jean and Barbara continued to wander in the forest, always on the lookout for any hilichurls that could come out from the bushes.
As they continued to walk, a blinding light drew their attention to...a huge dog? And a bird? The bird seemed to be the one to radiate the light, it had such beautiful white feathers, not even the most limpid of pearls could be so lucent, whereas the dog's fur was a navy blue which faded into the purest white a mortal could ever witness.
The two creatures seemed to be talking, and when Jean and Barbara got closer they realised that the dog was actually a wolf, a very big one at that, and the bird revealed to be a human figure with wings, covered from head to toe in a veil of the most immaculate white of Teyvat. The sisters stared at the two entities, wondering who could be hidden behind the white veil. Barbara was unexpectedly drawn by the winged creature and Jean had to hold her by an arm to stop her from running to it. Suddenly, the huge wolf stopped its talk and turned to Jean and Barbara, its eyes emitting blue flames. It growled, and as it started to sprint towards them, the winged figure raised its hand. Then, it spoke, its voice a melodic yet authoritative sound "Andrius, there's no reason to worry, they're just kids"
The wolf stopped immediately, moving aside. Jean felt so safe in that moment, a few words from the winged creature and all her problems seemed to be gone, as if that creature could do anything, as if it was in control of everything. She felt like she didn't have to worry about anything anymore, about her little sister, about being lost in the woods, about having to become the Grand Master when she grew up, she suddenly had faith that the unknown creature could solve all of her problems.
As the winged being slowly came towards them, Barbara tightened her grip on her big sister's arm, but then let go, captivated by the creature's movements. It seemed to walk on air, its bare feet barely touching the ground, and when the winged figure was knelt before them, its face still covered by the pearly veil, a gentle male voice spoke "Hello little girls, are you lost, by any chance?"
Hearing no response, he let out a small chuckle and lowered his head a bit, removing a drape of veil with his hands, revealing a mesmerising smile. The other half of his face was still hidden, but his hypnotising smile, his perfect white teeth, were enough to make Jean and Barbara's jaws open.
Seeing their reaction, the creature joked "If I had been aware of the face you would have made at the mere sight of my grin, I wouldn't have removed my veil in the first place!"
The little girls seemed to come to their senses, because they gave an answer to the creature's previous question with another one.
"Wh-who are you?" asked Jean with a shaky voice.
The figure slowly rose its head, the white veil falling behind as an enchanting young man with piercing dark green eyes looked at the two sisters, his hair fading from the ocean's darkest blue, to the shore's lightest azure on the tips.
The two sisters had their eyes glued on the young man before them, his porcelain white wings adding a hint of divinity to his image. Barbara couldn't help but widen her eyes as her gaze met his, seeing the infinity of freedom in it, whereas Jean had her mouth open wide, feeling a sense of certainty in his presence.
Finally, the man spoke, as he put both his hands on the two sisters' chubby cheeks and gently caressed them, with a soft smile on his face.
"I am Barbatos"

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞
Hey it's me, the author 😊
I just wanted to say, I'm still in school, so the updates might be irregular 😩😭
And btw, in the part where I said that he chuckled I felt like a bot in c.ai 🤓☝️
AND, I'm sorry but I'm literally too proud of this sentence: "If I had been aware of the face you would have made at the mere sight of my grin, I wouldn't have removed my veil in the first place!" I MEAN. LOOK AT DIS ENGLISH 😍
(Sorry, I have a bit of a beef with the third conditional (ง'̀-'́)ง)
Anywayss, thank you for reading :)
Please comment, I'll gladly accept constructive criticism or just funny stuff✨🎀
And If you enjoyed, please leave a like 🫶

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