1.Chapter 1

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3rd person pov:

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3rd person pov:

The meeting of the captains of the 13 court guard squad had started. All the captains were sitting at a large table. At the front sat the head captain Yamamoto.

Nobody of them new why he requested this meeting.

It came out of the blue. But because it was said that it was an important meeting about he recent events it was more than clear that something had happened.

Looking at all the captains in front of him Yamamoto began the meeting.

"Thank you all for gathering together. I will come right to the point. Recent events because of the ryoka and the now substitute soul reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki, along with the betrayal of ex third captain Gin Ichimaru, ex fifth captain Sosuke Aizen and ex ninth captain Kaname Tosen and the murder of central 46 have caused quite a commotion".

Hearing this some captains tensed up. The news of the betrayal of three captains shocked the whole soul society.

Kenpachi Zaraki was the only one that began to grin. He remembered the encounter with Ichigo Kurosaki and the big fight they had. He was still looking forward for a revenge.

Whatever the head captain had to say better ment something that they could fight again.

" We don't know what Aizen has planned but we need to be prepared.  That is the reason we are here today. I have called someone to help us. She was away for a long time. I sent her to a long mission but she is going to return soon" Yamamoto continued.

Hearing this Shunsui Kyoraku, Captain of squad eight, and Jushiro Ukitake,Captain  of squad thirteen, looked at each other with a knowing smile.

The only one the old man could be taking about was Hikaru. The both remembered and missed the little soul reaper.

The didn't know where she went all those years ago but if their suspicion was right then it will be Hikaru who is going to return to the soul society.

" Her name is Hikaru Suzuki. She is a very strong Shinigami. She will be placed into one of the squads to help us out" with that Yamamoto ended his speech.

Beginning to smile a little bit Unohana,Captain of squad four, felt joy hearing the news. She would finally be able to reunite with Hikaru after more than eighty years. 

She was excited to see how much she had developed in those years. She was sure that Hikaru had to be strong now to get called to help. She remembered the incredible reiatsu the little girl had. Eventhough she was so young the last time she saw her, her reiatsu was near a captains level.

A scoff was heard.

Everybody turned to look at the captain of squad eleven.

Kenpachi Zaraki, captain if squad eleven, was sitting relaxed in his chair while looking at Yamamoto.

" You are talking about her like she is the key to win against Aizen. How strong is she. If she was away for a mission she surely lacks strength. And I doubt that she is strong. I have never heard of her" the captain of squad eleven said.

Looking at him with closed eyes Yamamoto began to speak once again.

"I sent her to this long mission so that she could train her skills and get stronger. I trusted her enough to complete this mission and she didn't fail me. So I assure you that she is the right choice".

Still not satisfied with the answer Zaraki wanted to release his reiatsu but got stopped when someone different started to speak.

" Which squad is going to take her in?" Toshiro Hitsugaya, captain of squad ten" asked.

" That is to decide in the future when Hikaru Suzuki has returned. If there are no more questions than the captains meeting is finished" Head Caotain Yamamoto stated.

Everybody got out of the meeting leaving the Head captain and his lieutenant alone.

Feeling three familiar reiatsu outside of the room Yamamoto decided to let them ask their questions.

" Enter" he yelled and not even one second later the door to the meeting room was opened with three captains standing before him once again.

" So it is for sure her, right? She is returning? " Shunsui asked. He didn't even try to hide the excitement in his voice.

But that wasn't even necessary. His face said it all. You could practically read him like an open book.

But the two other captains weren't better.

Ukitake was smiling so much that you could fear that his face was going to start hurt.

Unohana was the most collected one with a warm smile on her face as usual. But you could feel the excitement that was coming from her.

Yamamoto chuckled. He wasn't the only one who missed Hikaru. The little ball of sunshine that appeared out of nowhere captured all the hearts of the people around her.

She trained so hard to get strong and to control her reiatsu to not hurt anybody around her.

She was the kindest shinigami you could meet in your entire life.

"Yes it is her. She is going to be hear very soon. So if you don't mind to wait a little more and finish the paperwork I would truly be grateful.  It is not going to take long anymore for her to return" Yamamoto stated.

Still smiling the three captains exited once again the room leaving the room with just two people inside.

Returning to his office Yamamoto began to fill his share of paperwork while awaiting the return of Hikaru.

And to be proven right just after a couple of minutes he fel the spiritual pressure he waited so long for.

She was finally home.


Authors note.

I'm sorry I didn't write for so long. But school is going to start again and I and to buy all my books and tried to finish decorating my room and I just didn't find the time to write. But I hope that you all enjoyed the new chapter and still want to continue this story.
I'm going to write more frequently from now on. I will try to publish a new chapter every week. It's going to be on Friday, Saturday or on Sunday which day I will be finished. I started re-watching Bleach once again and I'm currently in season 7. I also need to get into the story again so yeah.  I will follow the story line but I'm also going to add some scenes that weren't on the show but are important for the book.
And as I said before you can always leave suggestions for the story in the comments.
Have a lovely rest weekend.

Much love,

Ps:Do you know how to add comments to a specific section in a book? Because I don't. It would be nice if someone could tell me how. Thanks

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24 ⏰

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