Well-Fed Cat

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Your cat-hybrid boyfriend has been patiently waiting for you to finish working at your computer for long interminable hours. He even stayed outside your room so to not distract you as you focused on the screen and discussed with your coworkers. He's been such a good boy, only meowing a couple times but getting shushed by your warning looks. He's not really known for being a good boy though and after so many hours (only three, although three to many for him), his patience has definitely reached its limit.

He doesn't care if you're on a video call right now, he doesn't let your pointed glares stop him anymore from entering your room, his long fluffy tail sinuously swaying side to side as he moves towards you, slipping under your desk and starting to purr against your legs. He smirks when he hears you apologizing to your coworkers for the loud noises they hear. "It's just my cat, don't mind it."

Don't mind it, huh? Let's see if you're able to 'not mind it' once he starts to nibble on your calves and pawing at your socks with his claws drawn. You try to kick him away but instead only spur him on, his yellow eyes narrowing and his claws playfully scratching your skin. He hears you curse under your breath and attempt to move away but he knows you're stuck there, you can't make a scene in front of your colleagues... He can't help but take advantage of that. You tortured him by making him wait for so long? It's only fair now if he tortures you back.

His clawed paws push your thighs apart and he settles between them, preventing you from squeezing them closed. A gasp escapes you, one you quickly muffle with your hand as you try to play it cool in front of the oblivious audience, but it gets harder to keep quiet as he gropes your panties-clad mound and leans his face in to purr against the thin fabric. He knows how much you love it, how much you enjoy feeling the vibrations moving from your pussy to your belly, making your whole body tingle in pleasure. He glances up at you from below the desk just to see your face flushing and your eyelashes flutter.

Maybe your coworkers can't see the signs, but he does, he knows you're getting aroused. He can feel it too against his nose, a wet spot forming in the middle of your panties. He can't help but lick it, taking pleasure in the way your thighs quiver under his paws. He's curious to see how much you're gonna take. How long you're going to last before you call it quits, shut the computer and focus solely on him. That's what he hopes you'll do... But he's baffled by your determination as you try to keep your cool even when he pulls your panties aside and slips his tongue inside your folds.

That's how you wanna play it? Very well.

His paws push on the soft flesh of your thighs spreading them even wider, causing your chair to creak as it gets pushed back a little from the force of his movements. Your wide eyes glance briefly down at him, a pleading look in your gaze... What are you pleading for? For him to pull you out of your misery and make you cum hard on his tongue? That he can do.

With his yellow eyes trained on you he starts to eat you out like a starved stray, licking and suckling and biting, leaving no spot untouched and letting no drop of your leaking juices get wasted. He's actually proud of how well you manage to keep your composure in front of the screen despite his feral ministrations. Perhaps he's going too easy on you? Or perhaps your coworkers don't really pay you any attention... Poor baby. But that doesn't matter, does it? You've got his whole attention after all. And he's got yours as well.

Your thighs start to shake just as your fingers tangle in the fur on his head. You're so close, he can feel it, your gummy walls throb so hard around his tongue... That's why he stops. The shocked gasp that leaves your lips is so loud that everyone on the call stops to talk. A coworker asks you if you're alright and you tug at the fur on his head out of frustration as you muster the fakest smile he's seen grazing your face and answer, "sorry, my cat is so hungry that he's mistaken my leg for a piece of meat", followed by the stupidest giggle he's ever heard escaping your lips. However, apparently, that's enough for your dumb colleagues to laugh it all off.

He's grinning, oh he's grinning like the damned Cheshire cat as you excuse yourself, saying you'll be back in a minute after you feed him, and fumble with the mouse to shut off your webcam and your speakers.

Oh, feed him you will!

He buries his face back in your swollen cunt before you have time to take your hand off the mouse, a lewd moan falling from your lips, this time free to echo through your quiet room. He's got you back on the verge in no time, his furry arms wrapping around your thighs, pulling you flush against his face and almost making you fall ass first to the ground. You have to support yourself onto the edge of your desk, your body spasming violently and head rolling back as you cum on his tongue. He keeps on licking you through your orgasm, sucking every drop of your sweet juices until you're so overstimulated that you can't keep still for one second. He's chuckling at his point, yellow eyes crinkling in both amusement and adoration, his arms leaving your thighs to wrap around your waist, his tail curling around your ankle, while his head rests on your shivering mound.

Now he knows what to do the next time you ignore him for too long due to work. Maybe next time he'll make you cum right in front of your colleagues, to show them just how well-fed your cat is.

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