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Jessica was seated in her class, her attention divided between the lecture and her phone. Iris's absence from class had gone unnoticed at first, as Jessica assumed her friend might simply be skipping that day. However, as the minutes ticked by, Jessica's concern grew. She decided to excuse herself to check on Iris, worried about her unexplained absence.

Navigating through the crowded hallways, Jessica was preoccupied with her phone, trying to figure out how best to reach Iris. When she finally reached the bathroom door, she slipped her phone into her pocket and turned the handle.

As the door swung open, Jessica was met with a distressing sight. Iris was slumped on the bathroom floor, sitting against the wall. Her face was pale and her eyes were glazed with a mixture of exhaustion and pain. The scene was alarming, and Jessica's heart raced with concern. Without hesitation, she rushed to Iris's side.

"Iris!" Jessica exclaimed, kneeling beside her friend. Her eyes quickly noticed the bloodstains on the floor and Iris's torn and disheveled blouse. Jessica's face went pale as she took in the sight of Iris’s condition. “shit, shit, shitt what happened? Are you hurt?”

Iris’s body was shaking slightly, her breathing shallow and uneven. She looked up at Jessica with tear-filled eyes, shaking her head weakly. “I… I wanted to go home,” Iris whispered, her voice barely audible. Her usually bright blue eyes were now clouded with pain and fear.

Jessica’s anxiety mounted as she examined Iris more closely. She could see that the bleeding was not consistent with a period, and the disheveled state of her clothes suggested something far more serious. The sight of Iris's pain made Jessica's heart ache. She needed to act quickly.

“Okay, we need to get help,” Jessica said firmly, trying to stay calm despite her rising panic. She pulled out her phone and tried to contact the school nurse. Her hands were shaking, and she fumbled with the buttons as she dialed the number.

The phone rang for what felt like an eternity before the nurse answered. “Hello, this is Nurse Thompson. How can I help you?”

“Nurse Thompson, it’s Jessica from Mrs. Walker’s class,” Jessica said urgently. “I’m in the bathroom near the science wing, and Iris Adler is here. She’s hurt badly. There’s a lot of blood, and she’s in a lot of pain. We need help right now!”

The nurse’s voice shifted to concern. “Stay with her, Jessica. I’ll be there immediately. Just keep her calm and try to keep her as comfortable as possible.”

Jessica ended the call and turned her attention back to Iris. “The nurse is on her way,” she said, trying to offer some reassurance. She gently placed a hand on Iris’s shoulder, trying to comfort her friend as best as she could. “You’re going to be okay, Iris. Help is coming.”

Iris nodded weakly, her eyes fluttering closed for a moment as she leaned against the wall. The pain was clearly taking its toll on her, and Jessica could see the exhaustion etched into her face. Jessica stayed by Iris's side, trying to keep her as still and comfortable as possible. She noticed the deepening pallor of Iris’s complexion and felt a wave of helplessness wash over her.

Minutes later, the sound of hurried footsteps approached the bathroom. Nurse Thompson burst through the door, her face a mask of professional concern. “Jessica, where is she?”

Jessica pointed to Iris, who was now barely conscious, her head resting against the wall. The nurse knelt beside Iris, quickly assessing her condition. “Iris, can you hear me? We’re going to get you the help you need.”

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