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The bell rang, signaling the end of Social Science class, and a wave of relief washed over the students. The room filled with the sound of shuffling papers and the soft thuds of books being closed. Chairs scraped against the floor as everyone began packing up their things, eager to get out and enjoy their break.

Iris stood up from her desk, tucking her notebook into her bag with a smile on her face. Today was her birthday, and she had been showered with well-wishes from her friends all day. Her locker had been decorated with colorful streamers and balloons that morning, and a small group of friends had even surprised her with cupcakes during lunch.

As she slung her bag over her shoulder, Iris turned to see her best friend, Jessica, approaching. Jessica's dark curls bounced as she walked, her face lit up with a bright, genuine smile. She had been one of the masterminds behind the locker decorations, and Iris couldn’t have been more grateful.

“Hey, Iris, happy 15th birthday again!” Jessica said, her voice full of warmth. She reached out and gave Iris a quick hug, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

“Thanks, Jess,” Iris replied, hugging her back tightly. “You’ve made today so special. I can’t believe you went through all that trouble with the decorations and everything.”

Jessica waved a hand dismissively, though the pride was evident in her expression. “Oh, please! It was nothing. You only turn fifteen once, right? We had to make it memorable!” She pulled back and gave Iris a mock stern look. “Besides, you know how much I love an excuse to go all out.”

Iris laughed, nodding. “Yeah, I do know that about you. But seriously, thank you. This has been the best birthday ever.” She glanced around the classroom, where some of their classmates were still packing up or chatting in small groups. The sunlight streamed in through the windows, casting a warm glow over everything. It was a perfect day, and Iris felt incredibly lucky.

As they made their way toward the door, Jessica nudged Iris with her elbow. “So, what’s the plan for after school? Are we still on for the sleepover at your place? I’ve got movies, popcorn, and enough candy to last us all night.”

Iris grinned, feeling a rush of excitement. “Absolutely! I’ve been looking forward to it all week. My parents are cool with it, and they even got a cake. It’s going to be so much fun.”

Jessica clapped her hands together. “Yay! I can’t wait. It’s going to be epic, just you wait.” She linked her arm through Iris’s as they walked out of the classroom, their laughter echoing in the hallway.

As they headed toward their lockers, Iris couldn’t help but feel a sense of happiness and contentment. Surrounded by friends, celebrating her birthday, and looking forward to a night of fun she couldn’t have asked for a better way to celebrate turning fifteen.

As Iris was getting her things out of her locker, the school hallway was bustling with students chatting and heading to their next classes. Suddenly, a sharp voice cut through the noise. “Adler, my office now.”

Iris froze, recognizing the voice of Ms. Collins, the 37-year-old Math teacher known for her stern demeanor. Ms. Collins was known for her unyielding standards, but there was always something unsettling about the way she interacted with Iris. Today, her tone carried an edge of impatience that made Iris’s heart sink.

With a resigned sigh, Iris closed her locker and walked toward Ms. Collins, her mind racing with unease. She had noticed over the past few months that their interactions had become increasingly uncomfortable. The teacher’s presence, while seemingly innocuous, had taken on a more invasive quality, leaving Iris feeling trapped and anxious.

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