(un-edited) Chapter 11~ Wrath of an Angry King

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Sorry as a heads-up because this chapter is REALLY bad


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Enjoy this chapter!!!!!!!!


Kendrew's POV-

I remember the day I first set eyes on Guinevere like it had happened yesterday, and knew every detail like the back of my hand. It was if fifteen years ago, when my father took my brothers and I over to the Scottish Kingdom to discuss an alliance, that I got to meet the my beauty for the first time. My father had taken myself and my brothers because he wanted us to see the world before we had to rule it. 

It has been such a long time since I had first laid eyes on Guinevere, we were so young back then. I was about ten years old while she had just turned six. I didn't even have to touch her beautiful skin to know that the sparks were there; I knew immediately that she was meant to be with me and I her. 

My brothers and I, along with Guinevere and her friends, were waiting for my father and the Scottish King to finish negotiating their alliance. To my younger self, it seemed as if they had been in there for ages. I was too restless with excitement to sit still and make small talk while I waited. 

I was so excited that I had met her this young, because most people don't find their mate this young. Honestly, I was too excited to sit still and talk to my mate. I didn't learn a thing about her that day but I did manage to learn every detail of her beautiful face. 

I remember studying how her beautiful, brown hair wound itself into thick curls when my father and her father came towards us. Neither one seemed angry or unhappy so I assumed the negotiation went well. 

The two men shook hands and then my father greeted my brothers and I. He ushered us off towards our rooms to rest and get cleaned before dinner, which was in about an hour and a half. We made our way down the corridor and I checked to make sure that the princess wasn't in ear shot when I told my dad about my mate. 

When I was sure that no one was around, I told him with great certainty that I had found my mate. What I had expected him to respond with was replaced with a sad smile and eyes filled with pity. I thought he would be happy that I had found my mate because of all the stories he and my mother told us. 

That day my father had broken my heart. He told me that I couldn't bring my mate back with or talk to her the rest of the night. To say I was livid was an understatement.

Why couldn't we just take her back with us now? Why was my father trying to keep distance between my mate and I? At the time I hadn't realized it was for the benefit of my mate but rather saw it as a horrendous act against me.

I thought he was using my mate as punishment for something I had done and it made me furious. I remember the huge fight we had and the cruel things that were said, I remember my mother taking my father's side on the situation, and I remember all the pain I went through while I was away from my mate.

I was heartbroken and depressed as a young child, which led me to have some pretty violent outbursts. Luckily, I grew up a little and understand what my father and done. 

It took me a long time to repair my relationship with my family; now as I look down at the beautiful creature sitting in front of me, I don't think I could feel any happier. Her small voice takes me from my thoughts.

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