the number

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Natalia hummed along to the Beatles song on the overhead speakers as she sat in the small Starbucks cafe tucked away near the university she went to.

She had a yellow pencil wedged between her two fingers as she wrote some notes down on her blue notebook, her other hand tracing underneath the words in the big book that she brought along with her. 

She was about to turn the page when someone sat down across from her in the table. She quickly looked up to see a smiling Lucas Piazon sitting there. "What are you doing here?" she asked him, quickly taking off her glasses.

"You look cute with glasses," he commented, "And I didn't know you were left handed, that's so cool." Lucas murmured absentmindedly as he lifted her left hand to inspect it. She pulled her hand back and glared at him before putting her glasses back on.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be?" she asked him, keeping her eyes on the book. Lucas shook his head and leaned back in the red seat, grinning at some fans who had seemed to notice him sitting there. "I finished training and I decided to come over here for a drink and I saw you here."

Natalia nodded slowly and began jotting down more notes on her book, "What are you working on?" Lucas asked her, peering into her book, careful not to knock over her mug of steaming hot coffee.

"Just catching up on some stuff that I didn't understand in class." she told him. She tried to concentrate on her book but Lucas' shadow was looming over her book, making it hard to see her words. She dropped her pencil and looked up at him, "I'm busy, Piazon. What do you want?" she sighed softly. 

Her words came out ruder than she intended, but she was on a roll to finish studying and he was becoming a major distraction. 

He raised his hands up in defeat and shook his head, "I just wanted to talk to you for a while. I can leave if you want me to." Lucas said quietly. 

He looked so genuine and all it did was make Natalia feel guilty. She huffed and ran a hand through her brown hair, "Fine, you can stay."

Lucas grinned happily and sat there, watching her work. Her brown hair would occasionally fall over her face and she'd hastily tuck it back behind her ear and sometimes the AC would blow the thin pages of the book a couple of pages over and she'd groan softly before flipping back to the page she was on before. 

She looked so concentrated when she was doing her work and it was pretty cute. She would scrunch up her nose when she didn't understand something and when she finally understood, her eyes would widen and she'd grin ever so slightly and when she was trying to solve something, she'd stick her tongue out and stare intensely at the words. 

Lucas found it adorable. 

After a while of staying quiet and just watching her in her zone, Natalia closed the thick book and her notebook before taking off her glasses. "I'm done." she said, packing her books inside her tote bag and standing up. "Um, I guess I'll see you around?" she said.

Lucas furrowed his brows and shook his head before placing his hand on the small of her back, making her tense up slightly. He led her outside the coffee shop and smiled at her, "Natalia, I didn't just spend 30 minutes of my life to watch you study. We're going to do something fun!"

She gaped at him and shook her head, "No way. I have a test tomorrow and I have to pass which means I have to go home and study now." 

"But isn't Eden at your place right now with Ellie?" Lucas asked, crossing his arms over his chest. He looked like a little child when they knew that they were right and they just give you that smug little face. "Yeah, but he's probably in her room anyway. I have my own room and-"

"Natalia, do you trust me?"

She wanted to say no and leave but something just pulled him to her. Maybe it was his smile or just his general good guy attitude. 

They stood outside the coffee shop and they were beginning to attract attention. Natalia recognised some people from her school and they were all gawping at the sight of her - the quiet and studious one - with a professional footballer. 

She hated when she was the center of attention and now it felt like someone was pointing a spotlight straight at her. "Fine, Piazon. I'll give you an hour tops." 

Lucas made a face but shrugged anyway, "What can we do in an hour?" he hummed quietly to himself before grinning widely. "I know just the place. Come on, follow me." he said. His hand was still on her back and it sent shivers crawling up and down her spine. 

Lucas led her towards his car, the same one he used to drive her home and after having a small argument, Natalia finally got into the car with him. He handed her the Aux cord again along with his phone and this time she refrained from playing any songs that would've embarrassed him. 

The only sound in the car was the song playing on the radio and Lucas' occasional singing and after a while driving, he parked in a small parking lot. "Did you drag me out here so that it would be easier to clean up my dead body?" she asked him. 

Lucas laughed and then stopped, "I like you when you loosen up a bit - but your sense of humour's pretty dark." he smirked before getting out of the car. She followed suit, not giving him a chance to open the door for her. 

She ran towards his side to get it over with faster. The sun was just setting now and it was casting a light glow on the city of London. 

Lucas led her to a small grassy field and they trudged on the grass for a moment. "I'm actually starting to worry that you're going to murder me." she chuckled lowly and he cracked a smile, "Don't worry about it, we're almost there."

They were not almost there.

After walking for another 10 minutes, Natalia began to complain and worry even more. She checked her wristwatch to see it ten minutes past six. "Piazon, you have twenty minutes." she grumbled. 

"Will you loosen up, sourpuss? We're here." he smiled brightly before nodding in front of him. She looked up to see a playground full with swings, slides and monkey bars. "No way." she squealed as she raced towards the swing. She sat on it and Lucas came and sat on the one next to hers. 

"Let's see who can swing the highest." he challenges. She smirked and nodded before kicking herself off the ground. 

They must've been in that playground for over an hour more and by the time they were done and wiped out, it was already dark and Lucas had to use the flashlight on his phone to guide them back to his car. 

For the first time in ages, Natalia felt herself loosen up and actually have fun. She didn't feel a weight on her shoulders like she usually did and even though she used to always roll her eyes when a guy tried to get close to her, she felt at ease with Lucas. 

He drove her back to her apartment and they talk in the car about random stuff and Lucas decides he likes this side of Natalia way more than when she built walls up around herself.

"Okay," Lucas started as he pulled up outside the apartment. "Now can I have your number or do I have to buy you a panda first?" he joked.

"A panda would be nice actually," Natalia teased but she took his phone from his hands and punched in her number anyway before texting herself to send his number in. She blushed and handed the phone back to him before opening the car door. "Obrigada, Lucas. I'll see you around." 

Lucas had a stupid grin on his face and he waited for her to enter the building and leave his sight until he cranked up his music and did a happy dance. 


aw lucas u cutie

so i hope you liked this chapter :) 

happy reading lovelies!xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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