Breaking Down And Building Up

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What's this? Another update not even a month after I updated AR? I'm on a roll here~! Also, Kariya is turning into the OoS version of AR!Minamisawa. He doesn't want to stick to my plans and just writes himself into the story, grr.


Monday morning brings the rain that did not fall the previous day, and Tenma does not mind one single bit.

He's in too good of a mood to be bothered by some water and seeing Sasuke playfully bite at the raindrops during their morning walk has got to be the highlight of his week, nevermind that that week only just started. It's just too cute. Sue him, he loves his dog.

He loves it a little less when Sasuke jumps into a muddy pool and gets dirt all over his paws, but that is something he'd half been expecting already, so he only sighs and ends their walk a few minutes early so he'll have some time to clean the worst of it before school.

At least Sasuke jumped in muddy water, not mud, and it's only his paws. It could've been worse.

Tenma is talking from experience.

By the time Sasuke is passably clean and Tenma leaves for school, the rain has turned into a light drizzle, so he grabs his umbrella on the way out and sets off. He's lucky, actually - Yuuichi has canceled morning practice in response to their match yesterday, telling them to get some rest that morning, so even with the morning's excitement Tenma still arrives as one of the earliest in his class.

When he steps into the classroom, the first thing he spots is Shinji's bright hair, and he grins. The other midfielder is rummaging through his bag and hasn't noticed him and Tenma makes use of the opportunity to sneak closer, until he's standing right behind him.

''Good morning!'' he chirps cheerfully.

Shinji startles horribly. ''Gah!'' he exclaims, nearly dropping his bag as he both flinches away and tries to turn around in his cramped seat at once.

At the comical sight, Tenma laughs, only made worse when Shinji stares at him in betrayal and indignation. ''Kaze!'' he whines.

''Sorry, sorry,'' Tenma chuckles, grinning at the redhead who, after a few more seconds, sighs and returns his smile with one of his own. ''I won't do it again.''

Shinji actually rolls his eyes at that and huffs, but doesn't stop smiling. ''Right,'' he says as Tenma leans against the desk next to his. ''Well, good morning to you too, you seem to be in a good mood.''

''We won our first match,'' Tenma says as if that's all there is to it, and to be honest, it is. He's still a soccer freak and proud of it. ''And it was fun too!''

At that, Shinji grins in agreement. ''True. And no morning practice either, and considering the weather...'' he shoots a look at the window, where there's still some light drizzling outside although the sky is beginning to lighten a bit. Tenma agrees whole-heartedly, thrown back to the many times coach Endou would have them practice outside whether rain or snow - figuratively, as long as they wouldn't get sick from it - claiming they'd never know what circumstances they'd have to play in eventually. The worst part was that he was right about it too.

He's pulled out of his memories when Shinji adds, ''I'm feeling a little sorry for the first team. I saw them practicing outside this morning.''

Tenma can't help the amused sound he makes, both at the irony because that's what he was literally just thinking about, and the fact that he might be getting some enjoyment out of the mental image. ''Really?''

''Yeah, seems that when it comes to soccer they're a bit...''

''Hardcore?'' Tenma suggests.

He'd know. He's just as bad as them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2024 ⏰

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