Thirty First Call

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I couldn't believe my eyes. Standing right in front of me was the one and only, Mason. Mason as in the jokester that doesn't take anything seriously. Mason as in my best friend.
He hung up the phone call and stuck his phone in his pocket.

Surrounding him was all my other friends. James stood right beside him crossing his arms smiling. Chloe was on the other side of him looking like she was going to explode into excitement. Lily stood next to Chloe waiting for me to say more.

"Are you disappointed?" Mason asked fiddling with his fingers. I've never seen his shy side.

"N-no, just surprised," I told him as my palms started to feel sweaty. I wiped them on my jeans. Well, this is awkward. "How long have you liked me?" I asked out of nowhere.

"Every since I moved here," He said with a sigh. My mind suddenly filled with confusion.

"But I have your number... and I know your voice,"

"He got an app for a fake number to call you on because he was too scared to just tell you," James explained. I nodded and looked back at Mason.

"And I used a voice modifier," He said scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Stop being so awkward you too!" Lily exclaimed.

"Yeah! Do you guys act like this on the phone?" Chloe asked.

"No," I replied.

"How bout that date?" Mason suddenly asked acting more like himself.

"Uh yeah," I said. He smiled and started walking towards where I'm guessing his car is. I followed after him.
We sat down on the cream colored carpet in front of the TV screen eating popcorn. We started acting more like ourselves after the car ride, reminding each other of phone calls that we had and laughed about them.

Right now we are currently watching, Divergent. I felt something touch my face and turn Mason threw a piece of popcorn at my face.

"Hey!" I exclaimed digging my hand into my popcorn bowl. I threw a handful of popcorn at his face. Soon enough we were having a food fight with popcorn.

"Take that!" He yelled throwing a handful. I dodged it, just kidding. It slammed right into my face.

"Ouch!" I said holding onto my face.

"I'm so sorry," Mason said coming over to me. "I didn't mean to hu-" I interrupted him by dumping the whole bowl of popcorn in his face with a devious smile. "You tricked me!" He yelled throwing all the rest of his popcorn at me.
We sat back down, crunching the popcorn that covered the floor. The movie went on and I felt in my bowl for popcorn. Man I'm hungry. I kind of wish I didn't waste it, but it was pretty fun.

"Let me see your phone," Mason said holding out his hand.

"Why?" I asked cautiously.

"Just trust me," He said. I handed him my phone, which is kind of bad because I don't have a password. He typed a few things in and handed it back to me. I looked at the screen. it was under contacts, under his number. He changed the contact name to, Hot Stuff. I looked over at him and he smirked at me.

Maybe I'll keep that contact name...
That's it guys! It's over! I hope you enjoyed this chapter since it's different than all the other ones! Thank you all again so much for reading this😀 We reached 1000 reads! Yay! I'm hoping this will do good in the Wattys but even if I don't win I still enjoyed making this and reading all the lovely comments!

I'm wanting to make a sequel to this but I don't know exactly what to do for it, maybe Brian could show up in the sequel? I don't know but I'll let you guys know if I ever do make one! Until next time~ Arataly

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