Episode 16: The Price of Remembering

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[The episode begins a few days after the Black Market Bank Siege. Serika is back to work at Shiba Seki Ramen Restaurant.]

Master Shiba: (spaced out)

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Master Shiba: (spaced out) ...

Serika: Sir! We have two orders waiting!

Master Shiba: Ah right! ...Serika-chan.

Serika: Yes sir?

Master Shiba: Do you know where Ana-san has gone? She hasn't returned to work for a couple of days now. I'm worried.

Serika: (eyes looking down) Uh...

Master Shiba: It's all right. At this point, a normal manager would be forced to fire a tardy employee. Yet, I haven't actually received a letter of resignation from her, so I'll wait a bit longer.

Serika: Sir...

[Meanwhile, Sensei searches for Problem Solver 68 at their office.]

Kayoko: (notices Sensei) Ah, Sensei

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Kayoko: (notices Sensei) Ah, Sensei. This way.

[Kayoko brings Sensei inside the Problem Solver 68 office.]


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