[Meanwhile, in the Gematria secret hideout...]
Black Suit: Your predications were spot on, "old man." The ship of Utnapishtim, the secret behind the Abydos student council, and now the buried "blank check" brought back to life... Gematria cannot continue its current laid plans based on the multitude of anomalies happening.
Old Man: ...
Black Suit: Sensei, enjoy your "miraculous" victories while they last. Remember that we will always be watching until you make your last move...
Old Man: ...*snore*
Black Suit: (realization) ...Ahem.
Old Man: (awakens) Ah! ...Uh, yes yes, this old man was listening...
Black Suit: Speaking of "old man," how should I introduce our newest member of Gematria? Do you have a name?
Old Man: Hmm, I suppose "Old Man" wouldn't be the most appealing title to the audience. Very well, I already have one in mind, it's quite the eyecatcher. From now on, call me "Pseudos."
Black Suit: "Pseudos," from the old text definition of "False Hope?"
Pseudos: Exactly. And my purpose in this world...is to bring "False Hope" to the Sensei and their students. Ho-ho-ho... This willbe quite entertaining...
BA+ Volume 1: Foreclosure Task Force+ Chapter 1: First Steps, Lost in Memories
مغامرة(Version Alpha 0.1) Sensei returns to Abydos to assist the Foreclosure Task Force once again after the "repeat phenomenon" happening all over Kivotos. With the memories of the past retained, students are taking actions and conflicts like never befor...