Chapter 7 (The penthouse.)

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"What title did you first notice, or had your interest in? I think it's already here before we could get the tickets we could get."

Heizo tilted his head, studying the list of movie titles on the wall. There were so many options, it was a little overwhelming.

"Let me see..." he murmured, scanning the list.

Suddenly, he pointed to one title, a grin spreading over his face. "How about this one?"

It was an action thriller, something Heizo knew she would enjoy. The thought of her reaction to the movie's twists and turns excited him.

He glanced over at her, waiting for her response.

She looked at the title he was pointing at, then back at him. Her face was inscrutable, but he could see a gleam in her eye. She liked it.

"Sounds good to me," she said, her lips curving into a small smile. "Let's get our tickets."

The lights dimmed as the previews began to play. Music blared from the speakers, the screen filled with shots from upcoming movies.

Heizou settled back in his seat, his arm accidentally brushing against hers on the armrest. He felt a small shiver run down his spine at the contact, but he tried to ignore it.

They headed over to the ticket booth, where a bored-looking attendant was selling tickets. Heizo handed over their money, and soon they were armed with two tickets to the action thriller.

"Alright, we're all set," he said, grinning at her. "Let's go in."

They entered the cinema and found their seats. The room was still empty, as the previews hadn't started yet. Heizo settled into his seat, setting the bucket of popcorn between them.

He looked over at her, her face illuminated by the glow from the screen. She was beautiful, he thought.

As the movie progressed, Heizo found himself slowly inching closer to Y/n. He told himself it was just because he was interested in her reactions, but he knew it was more than that.

Suddenly, a particularly thrilling moment happened in the movie, and Y/n tensed up visibly. Almost automatically, Heizo's hand found hers, giving it a gentle squeeze.

Other people were here watching the same movie as we were they were the others at the first seat, middle seat, last seat and the back seat upstairs on the back as the huge screen right in front of them started the movie sparked the movie on the front view.

As the movie began, the world outside the cinema faded away. The action sequences were intense, the characters well-developed. Heizo found himself completely immersed in the story.

He stole glances at Y/n every now and then, watching her reactions. She was just as engrossed in the movie as he was.

While she was watching him she removed from him as she wore her jacket and wore it she took a popcorn then took a bite and sipped a little on her drink.

Heizo felt a pang of disappointment when she pulled away from him, but he quickly tried to shake it off. They were just here to watch the movie, not to…whatever it was he was feeling.

Lie to me but you are not going anywhere. (Heizou X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now