Chapter Six

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{Woke Up On The Wrong Side Of The Universe}

~(Y/n)'s  P.O.V~

The next day came rather quickly and that night was nothing but a blur. I woke up in a bed disoriented with a headache and a yellow and black headed man beside of me. Taking notice of the man I immediately jump up and push him slightly "Who are you and why are you in my bed?!" I yelled startled, the man groans and slowly blinks himself awake "(Y/n)... what are you on about? Come back to bed" I look around and do the only logical thing I can think of "Mom!!!!" I yell running out of the room.

I ran down the stairs of the unfamiliar home and looked around, many pictures of me and the random man adorned the walls. Other pictures had me with the Gleeful twins but they looked completely different. I froze and looked around dumbfounded, "Where am I?" I thought to myself.

I hear shuffling from upstairs then I see the man making his way down the stairs slowly. Now that I see him he looks familiar, like I've seen him in a dream. "Love... did you have a nightmare about the fire and your mom again...? Did... you forget she's gone?" He asked softly "N-no! What are you talking about" He seemed taken aback by my outburst.

I looked at him closely then cover my right eye, before remembering the dream I had just the other night, and the man's name. "Bill?" I mumble softly "Yes?" He asked seeming concerned "Where am I?" I ask looking straight at him. He stared at me for a long moment before replying "We just moved back to Gravity Falls" my face contorted in confusion "Gravity Falls?" I asked. He continued to look at me then his face fell "You aren't my (Y/n)... are you?" He asked, now with a confused smile, not knowing what to say I simply shook my head no. He nodded understandingly "Let's go get dressed and then we can go talk to Ford, alright?" I looked at him suspiciously then nodded.

After changing into some unfamiliar clothes Bill and I made our way to the Mystery Shack. As we walked I looked around the town, it was full of familiar yet unfamiliar faces. "So... is Ford Gleeful-" before I could even finish Bill cuts me off "Pines, Ford Pines not Gleeful" He says looking at me with a slight frown "Right, Ford Pines. Is he also the one who created the journals in this universe?" Bill simply nods "So let me ask you something, if you're from another universe, how did you know me? What am I like where your from?" Bill asks as we enter into the woods. I think for a moment a bit hesitant to answer "Actually I've never met anyone named Bill in my universe... but I did meet someone who looks a lot like you except, a lot more timid and blue" I answer with a yawn, after that Bill went silent.

After what felt like an eternity we finally arrived at the Mystery Shack. Bill knocked on the door and soon enough Dipper opened it "Bill good to see ya, Hey (Y/n)" He said with a gentle smile, my face scrunched up, this Dipper seemed so nice "Hi, Mason" I answered his face immediately fell "How did you?" He looked at Bill who was looking quite unhappy "Pine Tree, Meet (Y/n). She's from an alternate universe" Dipper looked dumbfounded "I have so many questions for you then!" He squealed "You act like Gideon" I say bluntly while crossing my arms over my chest. Dipper looked at me with a look of disgust, I felt a hand get placed on my shoulder "Anyways, is Ford here? We're trying to send this (Y/n) back home" Bill said his voice having a hint of desperation in it.

Dipper led us through the Mystery Shack, it looked identical to the one I'm used to the only few differences was there being a pig running around and all the pictures had Mabel, Dipper, Ford, and Stan. I also took notice of the few pictures that had me and Bill.

"Bill, it's good to see you" Ford spoke with a smile giving Bill a tight gripped handshake before turning to me with a smile "Don't act like a stranger (Y/n)" before I new it he pulled me into a hug, it was extremely comforting, like when I get a hug from my mother. "Ford, This is (Y/n), she's from an alternate universe" As Bill spoke his voice was more warm than it was before. Pulling away slightly Ford looked me over "I've heard of this anomaly happening before where the universes have a hole and people slip through, What universe are you from?" He asks with his eyes seeming to shimmer. This Ford is much happier than the one at home, much more full of life. "I'm not sure, it's much different than here. Like you, your Ford Gleeful, a very stoic and mean man who always has his nose in his journal writing, you are also very charismatic and charming" I explain he nods as I speak "Reverse Falls?" He asks, shocked that he got it I nod "Yeah that's where we live, how did you know?" I ask looking at him with wonder "I've had the chance to visit before, a long long time ago" He smiles but then goes quit.

We watch as he shuffles around the basement "I know it's here somewhere" He mumbles as he continues to look for something. "So Bill... I'm this world, who am I to you?" I ask, looking him in the eyes, as he looks at me his face softens "My wife" he slowly reaches his hand out and places it on my cheek "You still have the mark in your eye despite not being from here, that's peculiar... but it's good to know that I'm protecting you, even in another universe" his voice was soft and full of love as he spoke. I don't move for a moment until finally I place my hand on his and move it from my face.

Visual Aid:
I'll add one later- ^^

Me: Well, this is an intriguing turn of events

Bill: Yes I agree, though it is nice to be welcomed back without being threatened by you, meat sack

Me: Yes, it is nice to have you back actually, So what do you think of (Y/n)? You seemed iffy about her at first

Bill: Yeah I was, she's kinda weird but I guess that's because she's not mine. Also is her mom not dead? Cause by the way she acted?!

Me: Oh yeah no, her mom is very much a live and thriving

Bill: Huh okay then- *Snaps his fingers and has Dipper Gleeful appear* Hey Gleeful

Dipper Gleeful: Ugh, what do you want?

Bill: *Has a smug smile* You should scroll up and read

Dipper Gleeful: I'm not doing that, you stupid idiot

Bill: Fine, I suppose you don't care that (Y/n) is getting all comfortable with me

Dipper Gleeful: Wh- Excuse me?! *Dipper disappears and then returns and starts fighting with Bill*

Me: *Sighs and mumbles* This is why I tell Bill not to bring people here...

Bill and Dipper Gleeful: *Fist fighting in the background and rolling around on the floor pulling each other's hair*

Me: *Looks at them with disappointment and disapproval* Anyways I'll have to make sure I erase Dippers memory of this before the next chapter, so see you next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30 ⏰

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