Chapter 1

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Irredessa looks at their shared twitter account and sees how many people are following the account, 3 million followers.

*Kassidee's pov*
"No I just looked yesterday and we had 9000. Your seeing it wrong." I said as I looked on our shared account. "OH MY GOD WERE GOING TO LONDON. AHHHHHHH."

I grab my laptop and I hit record video, hello our wonderful fans we did it 3 million followers and you all know what that means. LONDON HERE WE COME."

"Do you honestly think that we could meet Jacksgap or One Direction."


"Kassidee stop fangirling. What if Jack or Harry sees this video."

After I stop recording I upload the video to YouTube.

"Jackson, guess who is coming to London." I yell.

"Who who who." Jack says a little to excited.

"Dessa+Kassie!" I answer and Jack begins to jump up and down like he does when he sees mow wows.

*Harry's pov*
"Guys, Dessa+Kassie is coming to London. We get to meet them." I hear Zayn say. Me and the boys love those two girls. We tweeted: follow @Dessa+Kassie to get a chance of being followed. We did this late last night so they wouldn't notice.

*Kassidee's pov *

I look through our shared accounts notifications when I see five tweets that catch my eye. They say: follow @Dessa+Kassie for a chance of being followed . I see who the five people that tweeted this were and realized it's Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Liam Payne, and Zayn Malik. "Dessa, I figured out how we got so many followers in one night."

"How?" Dessa asks.

"The guys from One Direction tweeted: follow @Dessa+Kassie for a chance of being followed. They mentioned us in a tweet. OMG ONE DIRECTION MENTIONED US IN A TWEET." I answer. Dessa looks and begins fangirling with me.

*Irredessa's Pov*
I decided to make another video. Hey hey hey its Dessa and Kassie. So we were looking at our twitter account trying to figure out how we got from 9000 to 3 million followers in one night and we saw five tweets all saying the exact same thing. We thought ok that's a little strange. So we looked at who tweeted them and it's the members of One Direction. They tweeted: follow @Dessa+Kassie for a chance of being followed. We are so over joyed right now. So we bought our plane tickets to London and we leave tomorrow morning. We better get some sleep, night our lovely fans."

I upload the video. after the videos uploaded I go get dressed into my pajamas. I go to sleep. The next thing I know Dessa is jumping on me to wake me up so we can get on the plane to begin our journey to London. Once we arrive in london, we begin another video where we tell our fans that we arrived safely in London. We start to walk outside of the airport to find and limousine waiting for us, we know it for us because the limousine driver has a sign that says Dessa+Kassie. We stepped in the limousine and saw 1 direction. Kassie and I begin to Fangirl. "OMG ITS ONE DIRECTION." we both at the same time.

"Wait we are in One Direction's limousine. OMG I have to tweet this." Kassie says.

We arrived in London, we got a huge surprise waiting it was @Harry_Styles, @Real_Liam_Payne, @NiallOfficial, and @Louis_Tomlinson.

After I tweeted this, I got an unexpected tweet back. I read this unexpected tweet: well well well you met one of us now it's time to meet the other one of us, go to... direct message me and we will come up with a meeting place.

I direct message this unexpected person. Where are we meeting you.

The reply was: We shall meet at Nandos ASAP, just tell Niall your hungry and want to try Nandos. They will all agree to take you there. See you soon. Love Jacksgap.

I answer : sounds good. I can't wait to eat at Nandos with Jackson Harries and Finnegan Harries and One Direction.

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