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(Pov Andy)


It's prom night today. To say I'm nervous would be an understatement. I'm super exited but nervous as apple pies! It's 6 pm right now. The prom doesn't start until another 1,5 hours but I'm already pacing around in the bedroom.

What if Ryan doesn't like my suit? Or my tie? What if I trip when I walk down the stairs, bump my head and pass out? So many things could go wrong! And I'm not even talking about Chase and Hunter being there!

A knock on the door pulls me out of my thoughts. "Are you okay baby?" Ryan asks. "I'm fine. Just a little nervous." I say. Ryan opens the door and walks inside. "Don't worry babe. This is your night and I'll make sure it's perfect." Ryan says. "But what if somethig goes wrong?" I whine.

"It will be okay sweetheart. I'll make sure tonight is perfect." Ryan resures. He walks to the closet and grabs the bag with his suit. "I'm going to change in the guest room." He says and he walks away. I walk to the closet and grab my suit.

I carefully open the bag and look at it. I choose a dark blue suit, it actually looks like a black suit with a blue glow on it, and a light pink tie. I sigh and strip down to my boxers. I change into the suit and look at myself in the mirror. The suit fits me perfectly and the black dress shoes look amazing with the suit.

A knock on the door pulls me out of my thoughts once again. "Are you ready pumpkin?" Ryan asks. I nod until I realise he can't see me. "Y-yes." Ryan opens the door and walks in. I gasp. He's wearing a black suit with a slightly green glow on it. His bowtie is exactly the same color as mine.

"You look beautiful." Ryan says. I blush and quickly grab my light pink and white flowercrown, the first one my mom made for me. I give it to Ryab and he gently places it on my head. "Perfect." Ryan whispers and he kisses my hair. My cheeks get darker.

"Come on, we need to go." Ryan sticks out his hand and I gratefully take it. He leads me downstairs and out to his car. He opens the door for me and I get in. Ryan rushes over to his side. He gets in and starts the car.


Ryan pulls up at school and I see Danny and Ashton waiting for us. I get out of the car and rush over to them. I hug my brother tightly then Ashton. Someone coughs and I turn around. Ryan is standong in front of me with a slightly jealous look. "Let's go inside." He says taking my hand. We get inside and start looking around.

The school is decorated in blue and silver decorations. I look over and see Hunter and Chase standing in a corner. Hand in hand?! I pull Ryan's sleave. He looks at me and I point at Hunter and Chase. He looks just as schocked as me.

There is an awfull beep from tge microphone and everybody looks at the stage. "Hello everybody and welcome to prom! This is a very special prom because we will have 3 pairs of prom kings and queens! The school has decided it would be fair so we will have 1 'normal' pair. A pair of men and a pair of girls! You can vote from now on!" The guy on the stage walks away and walks to, what seems, his date.

"I'm going to the toilet. I'll be right back." I say. Ryan nods and I walk to the bathroom. I walk in and go to the sink. I splash some water in my face. Why am I so nervous?!

The door opens and Josh walks in. "Hello Andy." He walks to me. With every step he takes forward, I take one back. My back hits the wall. Josh's chest hits mine and- he is just way to close! "What do you want from me, Josh?" I ask as I try to push him of me. "I could love you so much better then that idiot." Josh whispers in my ear.

"Ryan is not an idiot." I growl at him. Josh chuckles and before I can protest his lips are on mine. I punch his chest and Josh stumbles back. "Where did you learn how to punch?" He asks clutching the space left to his heart.

"I learned it from 'that idiot'." I walk to the door, slapping Josh when I pads him. I walk out of the bathroom. I look around and see Ryan standing at the same spot when I left. I walk over and he frowns when he sees me, making me frown. "Did you cry?" Ryan asks. Did I? "Why?" He asks. I tell him what happend when I was on the bathroom.

"Wait, was Josh the guy I pulled off you.." "when we first met? Yes, that's Josh." I say. "And punched and slapped him?" Ryan asks. I nod. He cups my face and pecks my lips. "I'm proud of you."


"Lady's and gentleman! It's time to crown our kings and queens!" The same guy from earlier stands on the stage. Everybody quiets down and looks at him. "First we will crown our king and queen! Give a appluase to... Melody and Derek!" A girl in a poofy brighy pink dress drags a boy, in a black suit and the same color tie as the girls dress, on stage.

The boy takes the tiara and crown and places them on the heads of the girl and boy. "Now a big appluase for our 2 queens, Yasmine and Rose!" Two girls in long flowy dresses and a small amount of make up walk on stage. The boy places the tiara'a on their heads.

"And now an appluase for our two kings; Andy and Ryan!" I look at Ryan with whide eyes. I smile and drag him onto the stage. The boy places a crown on or heads and steps back. "Now take a dance with your partner." He says. We walk of the stage and we all start dancing on a slow song.

After the dance Chase and Hunter walk over to us. I cower back behind Ryan. "Andy, I wanted to appoligise for how I acted." Chase says.

Wait? What?

"I've been a douche all the time and I feel sorry about it. I know it's a bad reason but I always bullied you to ignore my feelings. I just didn't want to believe I was gay. Can you forgive me?"

I swear my jaw is laying on the ground. Ryan looks schocked at me. Chase looks at me with a pleading look.

"I forgive you." I say. Chase smiles and hugs me. "Thank you so much, Andy!"

"Yeah, yeah. You're forgiven. Go!" Ryan says. Chase and Hunter leave.

He kisses me and we dance on another slowsong.

This night was perfect

the flower crown boy [book 1] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now