PART- 10

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As they stepped out of the car in front of the restaurant, V grinned and said, "Tonight's party is on me!"

Jimin's eyes lit up. "Then I'm eating the most tonight!"

Jungkook chuckled, "Count me in! I'm going to eat a lot tonight."

V laughed. "Let's get inside, then!"

They entered the restaurant, and Dua and Irha couldn't help but look around in awe. The place was massive, and every detail screamed luxury.

They stopped in front of a table by the window. V pointed out, "Let's sit here; the view is amazing." Outside, the swimming pool glistened under the lights, surrounded by beautiful trees swaying gently. It was perfect.

They sat down, and V said, "Check the menu and tell me what you want. I'll order for everyone."

As Dua and Irha glanced at the menu, their eyes widened in shock. They put it down simultaneously, looking at each other in disbelief.

"Itt... it's so expensive!" Irha and dua stammered.

They turned to V, "We can't afford to eat here!" Dua added, worried. "Why did we come to such an expensive place? We spent so much on the car already, and now this..."

V leaned forward, smiling reassuringly. "Don't worry about it. Jimin and Jungkook already paid for the car, and tonight's dinner is on me. Just relax and enjoy."

Dua sighed, her voice heavy with concern, "Even if we earn all year, we still wouldn't be able to repay such an amount. We've already spent so much this morning, and now I just can't spend more." Irha nodded in agreement, her tone equally serious, "Dua is right. You all enjoy your meal; we need to step out for a bit."

With a quiet resolve, Dua and Irha stood up and walked out, making their way to the poolside, leaving the room behind.

As the others watched Dua and Irha leave, V remarked, "These girls are so genuine. In a world where people chase money, finding someone like them is rare." Jimin, with a determined look, said, "You guys stay here. I'll go talk to them."

Jimin approached them by the poolside and gently called out, "Hey, listen." Both Dua and Irha turned around, their expressions still burdened. Jimin continued, "You don't need to repay anything." Irha, with a mix of frustration and helplessness, replied, "But we can't enjoy such an expensive meal. It's too much for us."

Jimin smiled warmly, trying to ease the tension, "Then order something less expensive." Irha sighed, "Even the cheapest thing here is still too expensive for us." Jimin's voice softened, "Alright, fine. But just this once. Next time, we won't do this."

Dua, feeling overwhelmed, spoke up, "You said 'just this once' earlier too, and you've already helped us so much. Please, stop spending your money on us like this. It doesn't feel right." There was a plea in her voice, a genuine discomfort that Jimin couldn't ignore.

Jimin glanced around before saying, "Alright, how about this-you can cook your meals every day, and no one will stop you. But please, don't say no now. Come inside."

Irha hesitated, but Dua squeezed her hand and whispered, "Okay, let's go."

Jimin grinned, "That's more like it. Come on."

As they followed him back, Dua leaned in and quietly said to Irha, "We'll just order something small and cheap, alright?"

Irha nodded, "Okay."

Jimin, catching their hushed conversation, couldn't help but smile as he led them inside. They returned to their seats, with Jimin taking his own,

V smiled and said, "Can we order now?" Dua and Irha nodded, "Okay." Jimin chuckled a bit, picking up the menu, "I'll go first."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09 ⏰

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