❀Chapter 1❀

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(A.N. real quick before we start I would like to say, that in the battle, after Fyodor died, in this alternative universe, his ability isn't the same as in the show and won't come back into the body, in fact he did have the ability dazai originally thought he had, which was he can selectively kill someone if he or they come in physical contact with him, so he doesn't come back in brams body and start all of that destruction to the city and brams still alive as well as everybody else including kunikida. I do have theory that once mindless-fukichi is defeated then everyone will be released and unharmed. Bc we see that when he kills someone they turn into a liquid of some kind and then he consumes them? I don't know if that's the right definition, but that's my theory by the amount of plot armour the ADA has is almost unreal. Anyway, I'll let you start the story now.)

It was just after the battle had ended though the little worrier of justice still had someone she wanted to see, she wanted to make sure that kunikida and the agency were alright. So Aya told this to bram and then they went on there way with the vampire version of akutugawa following behind them who was still under brams control.

Once they got to where Fukuzawa was, he was standing in front of fukichis now dead body Aya cheared and saying "he did it!" With a big smile before bram places his hand over her mouth realizing that she shouldn't do that in this current moment.
"Lady Aya, thus is not thy time for this" bram calmly mentioned before Aya pryed his hand off from around the lower half of her face.
"What? Why not? I want to celebrate" She asked with confusion once again reminding him of his dear daughter from when she were still alive.
"We want to compose sure that everyone else is safe do we not?" he asked making making Aya confused with the words he had said.
"Compose sure? Do you mean make sure?" She questioned.
"Thus is thy modern translation, yes" he replyed calmly.

After a minute or two of talking later they desided to leave and find this 'Kunikida' that Aya seemed so fond of. After a little while of walking and Aya telling Bram how kunikida saves her life from a bomb, they finally saw kunikida with a ginger haired male that was walking towards the vampire and child. Once Aya saw them she screamed out his name to him to gain his attention while running to him while Bram was concerned in case she fell. "lady Aya, please keep careful now, we'd be sure not having thou fall over!" He proclaimed with care and worry in his eyes while he followed after her with the mindless vampire which is Akutagawa following behind with his ability.

Once Aya reached kunikida she hugged him tightly around his legs "I knew you weren't terrorist's, I just knew it!" She said while looking up at him before letting go. He then knelt down in front of her and put his hands on both of her shoulders. "What are you doing in a place like this? You should be at home and safe" He asked worriedly.
"Well, dad made me run an errand at the airport and then a lot happened, but to cut the story short I found Bram Bram here who was being controlled by a sword that was stabbed into his brain and that controlled his ability so he had no control of it. But then I got it out by tiring the sword to a heavy table and pushed it off the edge of a building whilst he was tightly strapped to the roof. At first it didn't work but then I jumped on the table and then that was enough weight for the sword to come flying out and his body came back and then he saved me from falling to my death!" Aya explained.
"Why are you so wreckles and careless for your own life! Your not hurt any where are you?" Kunikida shouted at her worriedly.
"Nope not at all, I had Bram Bram to help me after all" Aya said proudly before turning around to Bram to see him almost infactuated with the male

The entire time since bram saw the male he was stunned, the moment he saw his face, and this exact scene was exactly like when his lait wife was scolded their daughter for skipping her tutoring lessons to play in the field with him carrying her on his back. He almost looked like a carbon copy if it wasn't for his clothes, hair style and voice. Everything else was the exact same. He wanted nothing but to run into the now males arms and wanted him to caress his hair like the now male used to. But he tried to restrain himself until the blonde haired male stood up and walked up to him.

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