Chapter 1

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     Hey everyone this will be my very first wattpad fanfic so pls don't be mean, give me constructive criticism, and enjoy!!

Thoughts will be in italics.

"Moon dust in your lungs, stars in your eyes, you are a child of the cosmos, a ruler of the skies."

 --some random pinterest pin I found.

     Most have wondered of aliens hidden amongst the stars, others in awe of how far and wide the void called space stretches. It was only a matter of time before humankind started to colonize across the galaxies. We discovered that the aliens in our books were out there and very real. We developed technology that aided our explorations and protected our colonies. 

     That's the start of the Galactic Age. A period of space adventure and war. Nowadays, high tech accessories and vacations to other planets are common. Another new thing is the birth of advanced beings called "supers" who gained extraordinary powers. Most of the supers dedicated their lives to keeping civilians safe from the other half of the beings with powers. They were labelled as "villains" based on the actions they took against the supers. Opposite of heros, villains went against governments and recked havoc in cities all across the known galaxies. This was the start of a new age: the Age of Supers.

     I grit my teeth and jump to the side, dodging a fast moving diamond shard. Luckily, one of my powers is speed otherwise I would have been skewered. A few more sharp objects whizz uncormfortably close by my head. Time seems to slow, my superpower activating. I watch as everything happens around me in slow motion. Sadly, I can't stay like this for long or else I will burn out. Grumbling under my breath, I decide to finish the battle quickly so that I can get back to my nap. I focus my attention on my enemy. Diamondhead cackles in glee, forming more crystals and gemstones to throw at me. "404, just give up already!" He jeers, trying to aggrivate me. 

     I just roll my eyes and raise my hand above my head. My main power activates and a familiar jolt of electricity travels quickly up my arm and shoots out from my fingertips. I glance back up to watch Diamondhead's arrogant face twist into something that resembles panic. The blue, crackling electricity strikes true. The greedy villain convulses on the ground from the shock while I pull out a pair of power-supressing cuffs from a belt around my waist. Diamondhead, or Skeppy, blinks his ice blue eyes open as I start to handcuff him. "Wait-wait! Let me go 404, if I don't return this--" Skeppy stops himself. "Return to who?" I demand harshly. Diamondhead just shakes his head. "Fine, be ready for the interrogation then." I scoff. 

     "George!" Someone calls my name behind me. I turn to greet Bad. "Whats going on? Why is Skeppy being arrested?!" He ducks through the doorway, hitting his tall horns on the frame in the process. Bad winces and rubs them. "I just caught Diamondhead trying to steal from our weaponry." I gesture to the defeated villain at my feet. Bad turns to glare at him. "Why would you do this? I gave you a second chance, remember?" Diamondhead looks away guiltily. "I had too! If I didn't, then he would find me..." The ravenette shakes his head, but turns to stare intently at Bad. "Who?!" I ask. Skeppy shakes his head solemnly. "UGH!!" My frustrated yell echoes around the big room. 

     Looking around, I can see that Diamondhead had broke in through one of the extra-large vents that we had installed for some reason. He had shattered two glass cases containing a display of laser and radiation guns. Not that big of a deal, but the thing I'm worrying about isn't the things he had tried to steal. It's who he was stealing for.


I'm actually on a beach trip right now so thats fun.

(sorry it's really short I just need some time to get my bearings, plan some more, enjoy my vacation, etc)

681 words :)

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