✨️Twilght Sparkle x Sunset Shimmer🔥/👓 Sci-Twi x Sunset Shimmer🔥
Ok so this is one chapter for two different ships, so it's maybe gonna be difficult. To explain, the Sunset of the Human World just doesn't exist, making the one of the Pony World the only one. However, it means she can be shipped with pony characters and humans characters. So this questions is asked; TwiSet, with the pony Twilight, or SciSet, with the human Twilight nicknamed Sci-Twi?
My opinions on those ships:
For TwiSet, the ship is understandable and adorable I agree. But Twilight lives in the Pony World and Sunset in the Human World! Even if there is the portal, it's difficult to have a relationship.
For SciSet, I found that just adorable! Sci-Twi is maybe in love with Timber and Sunset is originaly a pony but... this ship is adorable! Plus, I think it's better than TwiSet beacause Sunset is way more close to Sci-Twi than Twilight.Rates:
TwiSet: 9/10
SciSet: 10/10
And you, what do you think about those ships?
MLP G4 ships Opinions (English version)
RandomVersion Française sur mon compte I take request! (Actually I only do that)