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Xavier's voice was calm yet serious. "We're assuming for now that the stalker doesn't know where you live." I frowned at the implication.

"Thanks for the reassurance," I replied sarcastically, frowning I sunk back into the plush chair.

Ayden had brought me to their office right after we woke up, and now we were in Xavier's office, dissecting my life.

Maybe I was being dramatic, but the thought of someone knowing where I live—or worse, invading my privacy—was unsettling.

I had never liked stalker plots in romance novels, so dealing with it in real life? Absolutely not.

My retort elicited a chuckle from Caleb, who quickly stifled it with a cough.
Ayden's entire team had introduced themselves with their actual legal names, so I knew the names of the guys who would be helping me

Xavier sat in his swivel chair across from me, while Ayden and his team lingered near the couches behind me. I was tired of the whole situation. All I wanted was to relax in my own bed.

"Since you haven't received any threatening messages at home yet, we're assuming the stalker doesn't know your address," Xavier explained, running a hand through his hair, clearly exasperated with my attitude.

"But we'll cover all our bases. We'll install a security system with SOS measures so you won't have anything to worry about."

"Finding out where people live is exactly what a stalker does," I countered, my tone dry. "That's their specialty. But fine, if I end up dead, it's on you." I sighed dramatically.

"I understand you're trying to cope, Ayna, but perhaps you could take this a bit more seriously," he huffed.

"It's my life on the line—of course I'm taking it seriously. But you can't tell me how to cope," I said, standing up and stretching after sitting for hours.

Ayden and I hadn't spoken much since this morning. After offering me coffee, which I declined, he had driven me here. I wondered if I had done something wrong last night or if he was just being polite and I misinterpreted his actions.

"Fine. Ayden and knox, you'll go with her and handle whatever's needed to secure the residence," Xavier instructed.
I roll my eyes and this caugh Xavier's attention

"Okay, weirdo, get out of here," Xavier said, standing up and gently nudging me toward the door, though he had a smile on his face.

"As soon as you get another note or even a bad gut feeling, call me," he said, giving me a quick hug.

I left his office with Ayden and Knox, silence engulfing us, I could feel Ayden's gaze on the side of my face but I ignored it

I shook off my thoughts and headed to my car

Arriving at my house, the spacious, cozy interior provided a strange sense of comfort amidst the tension. The flowers I'd bought last week had yet to dry.

Ayden and Knox followed me inside, their presence adding an air of urgency.

"Alright, let's get this party started," I said, trying to sound casual despite my anxiety.

Knox immediately began inspecting the apartment, checking the locks on all doors and windows. Ayden stayed close by, scrutinizing the room for potential security risks.

"Since it's the 15th floor, the windows are secure. We only need to worry about the main door. We'll put up a camera outside so you can see who's at the door before opening it, and install a hidden panic button that's easy to reach," he explained.

"Okay, that's all?" I asked, taking a deep breath.

He nodded, his eyes showing a flicker of understanding. For a moment, our eyes met, and the silence between us felt charged with unspoken thoughts. His eyes seemed to soften, and his tense body relaxed

"Let's get to it," Knox called from the other room, breaking our eye contact.

We moved to the dining room, where Knox began installing the panic button while Ayden worked alongside him, ensuring everything was set up correctly.

As they worked, I stood by the island, my thoughts drifting. Ayden, noticing my unease, approached me once the security system was complete.

Seeing my home, my safe haven getting installed with a security system and a panic button broke my heart a little
All I ever wanted was to just enjoy life and be relaxed, as someone who has always had debilitating anxiety since childhood and mild depression, my home being my comfort zone was very important for me, I had created it that way, I never had to feel unsafe, until now when someone all of a sudden decided that I was too interesting.

He must have noticed my troubled expression because his usual brooding expression softened. "you'll be alright"

His reassurance was oddly comforting. I managed a small smile, appreciating his unexpected kindness.

Knox finished installing the SOS measure—a panic button connected directly to emergency services. "This should help you feel more secure. Press it if you need immediate assistance."

"Thank you," I said, genuinely relieved.

As we wrapped up, Knox gave me a reassuring nod and left, leaving me alone with Ayden.

"Press the button whenever you need to, or just call any of us if you need us," Ayden said, handing me a card with his number. "Call me anytime."

"Thank you, Ayden," I replied, accepting the card with a soft smile.

"No need to thank me. just doing my job," he said, his words making my heart sink as I realized I might have read too much into his previous actions.

"Right," I replied with another smile and nod. His eyes lingered on my face for a moment, some unreadable emotion swirling in eyes before he gave me a nod and walked out of the door.

I let a breath out and locked the door behind them

Just a Job

AydenWhere stories live. Discover now