11) Called Out

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You and Levi arrive at a little plaza with a clothes shop and shoe shop right next to one another. There are a few other kinds of shops in the plaza but the two of you have no intention of checking them out. You ask Levi to let you look at shoes first and he agrees, so the two of you exit the vehicle and enter the shoe shop first.


"I kind of like these ones. What do you think?" you ask Levi, holding one of the light pink colored shoes out for him to see.

"They're alright, but you should get a darker color. Those ones are going to get stained easily. How about those instead?" Levi points at a shoe on the shelf. It is the same shoe as the pink one, but it's black.

"Good point, alright, I'll get the black ones. Are you sure you want to buy them though? They're a hundred dollars!"

"Yes. Now find the size you need so we can leave," Levi says, as he crosses his arms. "I don't like the smell in here."

"Found it," you say after a few seconds. You grab the shoe box off of the shelf and smile at Levi. "Don't worry, I'll try not to take forever when we go to the clothes shop!"

"You'll be fine, I just don't like the smell of shoe shops," Levi says. The two of you go up to the counter and pay, then you take the shoes out to Levi's car so you don't have to carry them around in the clothes shop.

Once inside the clothes shop, you grab a cart and start grabbing different things you like. You drape each item over the sides of the cart so you can easily find each thing when it's time to try them on. 

For the physical activities, you pick up a couple different styles of athletic shorts and a couple pairs of leggings. You also pick up some shirts in both short and long sleeves.

For the relaxing activities, you pick a couple pairs of sweatpants and a couple pairs of loose fitted shorts. As for shirts, you just grab some baggy short sleeves.

For the bathing suit, you grab a couple of bikinis, a couple of one pieces and a swim dress.

After twenty minutes of grabbing clothes to try on, you told Levi you were ready to try stuff on. He nods and follows you to the fitting room. You didn't show Levi anything you tried on, but found multiple things you liked on yourself. 

Once you know what brands fit you well, you go back to the clothes racks and sift through everything again. As you do, you put the things that didn't fit back on the racks.

In the end, you picked two pairs of leggings, one pair of sweatpants, four pairs of athletic shorts that you felt would work for both physical activity and relaxing, two long sleeve shirts, five short sleeve shirts, one of the bikinis and the swim dress. In total, there were seven outfits and two bathing suits that Levi seemed more than willing to blow money on.

"Are you sure? I really can get less outfits. I can just-"

"Shut up," Levi snaps.

"O-okay," you could feel yourself shutting down, not wanting to exist now that Levi is aggravated with you. "I'm buying them. Stop trying to convince me not to."

"I'm so-"

"Stop. Okay? My mind is made up!" Levi snaps again. You had noticed he'd been kind of short tempered ever since his mother told you about her days as a prostitute.

"Are you okay?"


"Answer the damn question," you snap, without meaning to. He had been ruining your shopping mood by being irritable and you didn't realize how much it had been irritating you. Regardless, you were concerned nonetheless.

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