6) Sugar Tits

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Close to the end of your shift, you sent a quick text to your mother telling her that Levi had just stopped by the coffee shop and plans to take you out again which meant that you'd be late getting back to the flower shop. She sent an angry text back telling you that you should have him tell you these things earlier so she can prepare for working alone, but she also mentioned how happy she is that he's so eager to meet you.

After you close down the register and pass the drawer to the manager, you hang up your apron and begin heading towards the exit. You are expecting to make it out of the door, unbothered, so you can jump into Levi's car just as you did yesterday but Ymir has other plans. She catches up to you and grabs your arm to stop you from exiting the building so you turn to face her.

"What's up?" You ask as she releases her grip on your arm.

"Please let me come out there with you! I have to know how you met and what he sees in you!"

"Do you realize how rude that sounds?" Your eyebrows are knitted together as you call her out.

"It's nothing against you, you're amazing. That asshole outside has just never been great at figuring that kind of shit out. So, I need to go annoy him with questions, see why he's finally dating someone," you nod to show her that you were listening even though you are annoyed by her behavior.

"Do I really get a choice? You seem dead set on talking to him whether I think it's a good idea or not," Ymir playfully hits your shoulder.

"Oh come on! I won't be long!"

"And if you piss him off, I will have to deal with his sour attitude during our date!" You point out.

"Seriously Y/N..." You stop listening to Ymir and simply walk away. She's dead set on talking to Levi and you are convinced it doesn't matter what you think about it. Ymir follows you and her rambling about why she should talk to Levi turns into how grateful she is that you aren't fighting her about it anymore.

As you approach Levi's car you mouth an, 'I'm sorry' to the man leaning against the passenger side door. Levi's scowl grows darker, his steel eyes staring daggers into the woman behind you. He crosses his arms and you hear a barely audible, 'tch' as you come to a stop next to him.

"Long time, no see, huh Levi?" Ymir asks. Levi nods.

"There's a reason for that!" He says, his voice stern and body rigid. Somehow, you can tell he dislikes Ymir and you are standing there wondering what vital piece of information you are missing.

"Oh, don't be that way! I just came to ask: how did you two meet?" Ymir crosses her arms and stares intensely right back at Levi.

"We met here, two days ago. Not that it's any of your business," your eyes go wide at his response.

"Damn you move fast when your in love. Unless this is another fake girlfriend," Levi's face contorts into a grimace.

"What? Why do you think-" you cut Levi off. You inch closer to him as you begin to speak.

"It's true," you grab Levi's arm and pull it close to you, pressing your chest up against his bicep. "Yes, we did meet in the coffee shop two days ago but it wasn't our first time meeting. That meeting was our first one after realizing we had feelings for each other. Levi is a little shy about our first time meeting..."

"Yea, a little," Levi lies, having no idea where this was going. You smile, knowing that the next words to leave your mouth are about to sound really stupid.

"I bumped into him at a bar and we both were a little shit faced. This short little shit had lost his balance and leaned up against me to prevent himself from falling. He was face first in my tits," Ymir cackles.

"What? Are you serious?" You look at Levi, his face a light shade of pink, and nod.

"Wanna add something baby?" You ask.

"No, sugar tits. I wish you'd stop telling people about that!" Levi responds, looking defeated.

"But Ymir here doesn't believe we're together, I thought it was a good way to prove it."

"Still doesn't make it any less embarrassing," Levi says through gritted teeth. You are almost positive that he is getting irritated with you for telling a lie like that.

"So, you love her? Like actually? Give me one good reason why!" Ymir demands, sounding like a school girl jealous over her crush's girlfriend.

"Have you ever seen anyone make me smile?" Ymir shakes her head no. "There's your answer. Let's go Y/N, our reservation will expire if we keep talking to her."

"Bye, Ymir!" You say as Levi opens the car door and pushes on the small of your back, trying to rush you into the car. Once you sit and Levi closes the door, he turns to Ymir and you can barely make out the words he tells her.

"Don't ever tell anyone what you just heard, got it?" Ymir nods and rushes off. Levi then makes it around to his side of the vehicle and sits down angrily.

"Why did you say that?!" He practically yells at you. Your body tenses up, preparing for the worst as you attempt to answer.

"I... she didn't believe that we're dating. I couldn't think of... a good enough answer to get her to back off. Earlier, she saw us talk and... and she asked why you were so casual with me. I told her... about us... the part where we're dating. I... had to. I can't risk telling anyone the truth... Mom may find out if I risked that. Ymir... she assumed... that us being boyfriend and girlfriend was the reason you showed up the other day. But... I... she... two days isn't enough time to go from strangers to dating!" At this point, you could feel your tears starting to fall, so you cover your face in embarrassment and continue talking. "I don't want to be perceived as a whore for getting with you after just two days! I didn't have to tell her that. I shouldn't have! Mom already knows we just started talking and-"

"We'll lie. Tell your mom we've been sneaking around and you've been deleting our messages," you uncover your face and look at Levi.


"Tell her you wanted to make sure things were going well between us before you revealed I existed. The first text she saw from me was just me pretending not to know you so she wouldn't get mad about us sneaking around. Of course, we'll wait to see if word gets around and you can tell her then. I want her to believe this is real. I need her to, or your father will tell my family that this was fake and I'll have even worse problems than I already do."

"My father?"

"He's my mother's friend. You said he gave you the idea to do this. If your mom figures out the lie, then your dad will be forced to tell my mom," you nod along.

"That makes sense, but I don't understand how you know my dad is friends with your mom. I've never seen him around anyone other than my mom."

"And you won't, because my mom never leaves the house. We will make sure everyone believes us though, I promise," you wipe your eyes and smile at Levi.

"Thank you! I'll try my hardest not to fuck everything up again," Levi nods.

"I'm sure you will at some point, but I'll be here to help you fix it. Let's head to our fake date now," you nod.

"What do you have planned?"

"You'll see when we arrive."


Word Count: 1,337

Written: August, 2024



I hope you guys are enjoying this book even though some days are written over multiple chapters and others zip by quickly or get skipped.

I'm enjoying writing it and can't wait to get to the juicer parts!


TIMELINE: DAY 6 (Friday)

PART 2/4

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