Chapter 2: Me, Kristen :)

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He walks towards me grinning. I blush and he pulls me closer... "Kris honey wake up, you have school." My mom says. I wake up, groaning and realize that it was just a dream. 

"Mom couldn't you have let me sleep for five mins more?" My mom being used to my early morning grumps just shakes her head no and walks away.

I eat breakfast and have just finished getting ready when Ray rings the doorbell.

"Hey Mrs. C" he hugs her. 

"Hey Ray, wish Kris was a joy to wake up to" She pointedly glares at me. 

He laughs "She's a real pain, isn't she?"

I swat him and say "Not like you're any better." 

He sighs "You've got a point there Krissy." I cross my hands and glare at him, he knows I hate it when he calls me that.

We reach school and before I know it mr.popular is surrounded by all his friends. I walk to my locker, not looking where I'm going. I bump into Roc August. School jock and biggest flirt. He's a jerk.

"Oops..sorry" I stutter.

"Do I make you that nervous babe?" he winks. 

I smirk and say "No its called manners." A couple of people snicker and I walk away grinning. 

This is gonna be quite a day, I smile. I'm walking down the hallways, looking for Natalie. I notice the tiles, they are awful, grey and bleak. All in all the hallways aren't bad though: whitewashed walls, wooden lockers and tons of colorful posters and charts. I must be really bored if I'm stating everyday observations. Finally I see Natalie and she comes running towards me.

"Kris omg,omg,omg I called you a dozen times yesterday.. where were you?" She shoots me her famous death glare. 

"Sorry Nats" I frown. 

She smiles "Its fine but listen Kris. Prod and a couple of others are meeting up today at his pool, you've gotta come.. he said to let you know." 

I know she's never going to give up. "Fine I'll go." She grins, satisfied and then drags me into AP English. Nats is a total sweetheart, over dramatic yes but she's tons of fun to have around and is completely loyal. 

The day goes by pretty quickly and before I know it school is over. I'm walking towards my bus when...

"Kris wait up!" I turn around."Oh, hey Ray." 

"You coming for the pool party? I said I'd only come if you would" He winks. "And bring mr.ducky along kay Kris?"

I blush,embarrassed."Rayy quit it, that was in the second grade okay." 

He smiles "I thought it was cute." 

I suppress a smile and put on an exasperated expression "You've already used that line Ray. A million times in fact. Just on Brooke all the other times." 

Ray looks annoyed "Kris, I don't like her. And just by the way,out of the 'million' times I've said it this is the only time I've meant it." 

I realize how I must be coming across to Ray- jealous and bitter. 

"Sorry Ray, its just--- I hate her. She hurt you so badly and I never want to see you like that again." 

He see's the concern in my eyes. His eyes meet mine as he stares at me, never once breaking contact "Its fine Kris, I know you care and I'm glad you do."

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