Chapter 4

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You called after the man running through the streets and taking long twists and turns until you lost him a block away from Avengers tower. Where did he go?!  You were confused but you continued your route to Avengers tower and froze the pizza again hoping it wasn't smashed from your running. You finally made it walking into the elevator panting out of exhaustion.  When the lift stopped on the correct floor you got out making your way to the dinning table. You set the pizzas down with a thud and when you turned around you unexpectedly saw Clint standing there. You screamed out of surprised and held a hand up to your chest to calm yourself down. "Startled you?" Clint asked. You nodded and then got yourself to speak. "Yeah..." You said. He smiled and stood there silently. You looked very uncomfortable apparently because Clint spoke up. "Everything alright Y/N?" He asked making eye contact with you. "Well uh..." You thought for a moment. "No but yeah it's a.... complicated." You said smiling at him politely. He smiled in return and then walked to the table. "Can I help you with the pizzas?" Clint took two boxes and you took the other two. You both prepared the pizza and put them in the oven, setting the time to let them cook. "J.A.R.V.I.S. tell everyone lunch is ready." You said as you and Clint set the table. "Yes Ms. Y/L/N." J.A.R.V.I.S. said. Minutes later everyone came in and took a seat at the table chatting away about random things. You brought the pizza out and set it on the table. The moment the last pizza was set on the table everyone was digging in.

"So Y/N how are you liking it here?" Bruce asked shoving a piece of pizza in his mouth. "It's been great but I think that we need a mission soon because I would really like to bring some action in." You said. Bruce smiled and nodded in agreement still chewing his pizza. You watched as everyone began to get full and Thor threw his glass on the floor after finishing it. "Another!" He shouted. You smiled and shook your head and you soon began to feel drowsy. You struggled keep your eyes open and soon the only thing you could see was darkness.

"Hello Y/N." a mans voice said. You were in a pitch white room with golden lining. The man with the black hair and emerald green eyes stood in front of you. "It's you." You said walking over to him. He smiled for only a second. "Yes." He stood there motionlessly staring into your eyes and getting lost in them. "Y/N I have come to know that you are now an Avenger." He said. You kept your eyes on him. "Yeah." You replied airily. He turned his head and looked away from you his eyes falling to the floor. "Are you alright?" You asked trying to get him to make eye contact with you. "No. You would not understand Midgardian." He said turning his back to you. You walked to him placing a hand on his shoulder. He didn't move but you could tell he was dealing with something hurtful. "Hey it's okay." You said as he turned to you and his eyes were filled with sadness. "I saw you on the streets today, why didn't you smile when you saw me?" You asked.

But before your question was answered you woke up on the floor with Natasha, Tony and Steve on there knees next to you while Bruce, Clint and Thor watched you nervously from behind on there feet. "You alright Y/N?" Natasha asked looking concerned. "Yeah I'm fine." You said getting yourself up. Natasha and Steve walked you over to the couch where they let you sit down for a moment. You must have looked really sick because Clint brought you a glass of water. "Thanks." You said taking the glass and taking a sip after frosting the cup to make your water colder. "Can you remember anything?" Bruce asked. "What do you mean?" You asked in return to make things clearer. "Well like you muttering in strange languages and laughing from time to time?" He asked nervously. "Well no, but I do remember standing in a room that was pitch white with gold lining and a man that I have seen before countless of other times in front of me." You answered. "Who was he?" Natasha asked blankly. "Well... I... I don't know, but he had green eyes and very black hair. He also speaks like Thor. I have met him a couple other times before and earlier today too." You finished and realized there horrified expressions on there face. "I must go speak with someone." Thor said after a moment and left the room. "You guys okay?" You asked looking at them. "Yeah...uh... YES! We're fine we're completely fine!" Steve said. "You suck at lying Cap." Tony said. "So what's wrong?" You asked nervously. "We think there might be something strangely wrong." Bruce said. "Oh..."

It had been about almost an hour sense you had that strange problem and everyone was off doing there own thing. You were watching T.V. on Natasha and your floor. Your favorite episode of Doctor Who had just ended and the commercials had come on. You turned the T.V. off and decided to go see what Thor was up to. "Jarvis what floor is Thor on?" You asked so you knew where you were going. "He's on floor B Miss Y/L/N." He replied. "Thank you." You said getting into the elevator. Looks like you were heading to the basement. When you reached the basement you stepped out onto a small platform and attached to it was a spiral stair case that went down for miles. You sighed and started walking down the stair case. After a while you grew tired of walking and so you iced the stair case turning it into a fun spiral slide. You slid down and down until you reached the bottom where a metal door awaited.

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