Chapter 7

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You sat there astonished. You really were like Loki now that you think about it. Perfect soul mates. But how could you tell the others? There wasn't a possible reason that would get you into freedom with Loki. They'd lock you up too. What would Thor do? Would he stop them or watch as they locked you away?

You couldn't be here anymore. You had to leave and now, but with Loki. "I think I'm just going to go to my room and take time to sink things in..." Blankly you left the room. No questions asked. As you reached your room, you locked the door as you entered. You began to look around your room as you kept your back against the door.

Bingo! You grabbed your suit case and began to shove in as much clothes at possible and grabbing one of your spare black hoodies to hide Loki's face for when you were out on the streets. After packing your suitcase you poked your head out of your room door checking for anyone.

The coast was clear and you dashed out of your room getting into the elevator. You began to spam the Basement button. "Come on come on..." You mumble. A minute later you reached the same platform with the spiral stair case. That would take you ages to get down and you needed something faster than an ice slide.

After a brief moment of thinking the only way down was ice so you figured the slide would be fine for now but you needed to be fast. Using your powers you covered the stairs, ice layered thick and you slid down pushing behind you with your hands giving you a boost.

Reaching the bottom you ran to the door and opened it bursting in. Loki stood up not expecting the sudden surprise. "Y/N What is it?" He could see the worry on your face. "No time to explain I'll tell you later now shut up. Were getting out of here." Loki seemed happy yet still confused and curious.

You started dialing the access code in and it beeped setting Loki free. "We don't have much time before they realize your out. Can you make us and my suit case invisible?!" "Yes. Why?" "Just do it!!!" You urged. Loki raised his hands and grabbed his staff turning the both of you air clear!

You could still see him though along with yourself and your suit case. "Come on!" You whisper grabbing his arm and he grabs your bag for you as you clear the stairs and start to climb them. Minutes later you hit the top of the stairs and began to gasp for air. Loki calls the elevator and you wait trying to breath.

Once the elevator door opens you clamber inside and you push the button to the main lobby. "Why are you helping me?" Loki asks suddenly. "Because your the only Frost Giant left..." You pause before continuing as he looks at you pressing you to get it out. "And were the last of our species..." You look down.

Loki stood there mouth open and green eyes staring into yours. After a moment of silence the elevator door finally opened and Loki took your wrist smirking. At first you were stunned but you followed his movements and you both ran out of the building.

Hitting the park the two of you stopped. "Loki...We need to make you look like...Your not from Asgard." You panted regaining your breath. "We'll worry about that later. You need refreshment." You looked at him confused. "Water." He stated. You nodded until you gained your full breath back and then you looked at him half way smiling.

"You know what I could really go for?" You asked taking your suit case from him. "What?" Loki wondered. "Mountain Dew."

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