Shake Your Groove Thing

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Ocean was a little worried for Meredith this morning. She had seen the girl in the locker room this morning and Meredith seemed very tired which wouldn't be a big problem, nothing coffee couldn't fix

Expect Meredith had a surgery first thing in the morning which wasn't good since she looked to be dozing off in the middle of heart surgery 

"You know, Meredith thinks this is just going to be a little, small, meet-your-boyfriend cocktail thing. Did you clear this with her?" George asked Izzie as they all watched Meredith "No, but I will" 

Cristina, George and Ocean gave her looks "I promise" She added. Ocean shook her head, knowing the girl will not be telling Meredith "Why are you wasting the only weekend your boyfriend is in town on a big party? Is he bad in bed?" Cristina questioned making Ocean choke on her coffee 

"Damn it, Cristina, a little heads up" Ocean coughed, George patting her on the back. Once she stopped coughing did Izzie answer "No. I just want him to meet some of my friends" 

"Right. Sixty geeks in scrubs are your friends. Bad sex, sucks for you" Cristina said standing up to leave when her pager beeped 

Izzie gave Cristina a look before turning to the brown haired intern "Ocean, are you coming to the party?" She asked again, having invited the younger woman early that week but didn't get an answer.

Ocean shook her head "No sorry. I already have plans tonight" She smiled a little. Mark was coming down to visit her, having got the weekend off and though she had to work, Richard was able to get her off the clock early than normal to spend as much time with Mark as she could 

Izzie pouted which Ocean thought wasn't an attractive look on the blond "What? What plans are more important than meeting my boyfriend?" Ocean raised a brow Literary anything She thought but kept her mouth shut and just shrugged turning back to the surgery, noting that Meredith looked startled about something 


Soon after the surgery Ocean was pulled in for a patient with Bailey, George and the Chief "What do you see, George?" Bailey asked turning on the lights for the chest X-Rays 

"Hyper-inflated lungs, clouded with bullae, seriously diminished capacity. She must have trouble breathing" George listed off

"Course of action, Ocean?" 

"A bullectomy procedure, remove the bullae, reduce the pressure" Ocean listed off quickly. Richard nodded with a hint of a smile before looking down at the chart "Says here we operated on her back in the '99, so Mrs. Drake has been through this before, but talk her through it anyway. And resist the anti-smoking lecture, she feels bad enough already" He said before leaving 

"So you think if they put pictures of these on a pack of cigarettes people would stop smoking?" George asked resulting in looks from both Bailey and Ocean

The young woman, looked at the scans before narrowing her eyes "Are we sure this was caused by the smoking?" She asked looking at the scan closely "There's no indication of it being anything else. Why?" Bailey stated/asked. 

Ocean shook her head "I don't know, something just seems off" She sighed "I'll tell you if I find anything different during the exam" Bailey nodded knowing if Ocean feels like something is off, it's highly likely something might be off 


Ocean and George made it to the patient, Mrs. Drake's room, Ocean stood as the computer looking through some things as George stood at the foot of Mrs. Drake's bed, reading through her chart and making notes 

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