summoning .

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Zack stumbled over the ground looking horrified at the scene In front of him, the blood splattered on the floor and his salty tears
Falling down his cheeks, he had fallen for a lie, a cruel lie he gave him, they had warned him to not fall for his lies, for his power and looks, now all of them laid dead in the kitchen , their chests ripped open and their heads in half ,zacks scream echoed through the now silent house,the blood in the kitchen the only thing zack could see, he had fallen for the man in the mask, his face hidden in greed and power lust , and he had fallen in that path , he had abandoned his grandmother's warning , his sisters pleads, and his parents truth , all for him , he never knew his face, never knew his name , the only thing he knew were the touches that send electricity through him, the touch that left a trace of fire in its wake, the kisses that sent butterflies in his stomach, he had fallen
For the man in the mask , the man who had deceived many others before him, he was just one of his victims, one of his toys, and one of his little games , his love was fake just like his words.

Zack's blurry tears spotted a silver chain connected to his mother's wine red dress as he stumbled forward cluthicng it in his hand,
Looking at it in wonder, it was silver and antique in the middle was a blood red ruby , that seemed to have Something in it,
He saw a slit in the middle of the antique bronze, and frowned his eyes brows together, the tears blurring his vision, as he wiped them away, he opened the necklace and a old looking paper fell out.

"W...what is this?"Zack asked himself in wonder as he took the paper hasitanly in his hand, opening it, his eye squinting in confusion as he read the paper out loud confused.

"Devil and angel , blood United, summoned in a dark aybess, a dragon of hatred, unleashing it flames and crying it's hate ,
Devil so sinful there is no hint full,angel so fake people confuse,
Who in the end is the real muse?, summoned by the blood of the innocent, eyes holding warmth and sympathy, warmness in soul
After all the devil is summoned."

Zack looked at the paper in confusion as it started to burn from itself he hissed as he let the paper fall looking as it turned to ashes,
Zack hurried and wrote the prophecy in his journal the feather and ink gracefully brushing against the slightly yellow paper, he made sure to write every word, every single one in perfect detail ,
He looked at his grandmother and sighed, what was she hiding , why did she have such a confusing paper on her??, why did his family hide all of this??were they even aware?who is the man in the mask?,was it him?, and the last can the devil be really summoned??.

The questions filled Zack's mind as he kept looking at his grandmothers figure, in frustration, sadness and eagerness to find out what his family was hiding , to understand what that letter meant, why did his grandmother hold such a forbidden and dark paper??,summoning was witchcraft , and banished from the human world, so why did she possess it?,why would somebody
Summon the devil, it was forbidden and dark magic, the church executes everyone who holds such possessions, so how did his grandmother go unnoticed.

"So many questions......yet so little answers"Zack mumbled sighing
Determination in his eyes as he heard a knock on the front door,
Zack silently hurried tot he door seeing the church "open the door!
Suspicious activities have been spotted, se need to take all of you under watch"the voice of the priest George rang through the thick sodden door, as Zack silently recoiled, holding the paper close, to him, now he knew he was in deep shit, that he had a big problem if
The church found this paper he would be executed without any chance of finding the murder of his family, he hurriedly waled into his room and grabbed his dagger, coat , leather coated journal and his grandmother's necklace , he jumpe out from his bedroom window and ran away "there is someone follow him!!" He heard Georges voice as his legs increased their speed,spotting a near forest he ran into it, his footsteps loud as he gasped for air,but he didn't hear any footsteps behind him, the priest and his people stopped infront of the forest they're faces pale and horror in their
Eyes,"come out young soul!!or your soul will be damned!"the priest said as Zack stepped back his face covered from the heavy clock as he felt the ground under him grow soft and he slipped,
"Ahhhh!!!"Zack let our a scream as he Rolle down the mudy and spikey path,the spike scratching his cheeks and legs, the mud
Covering his clothes as he groaned hitting the ground "ugh!"Zack's vision blurred as he went into unconsciousnes.

Zack woke up groaning holding his head, his hands full with mud and bloody scratches,as he looked around remembering the events that had occured "ugh.....fuck my head" Zack groaned as he shakely stood up, and yelped when he heard a wolf's howl,he hurried away , not caring where what mattered is to distance himself from that howl, fear and slight anxiousness cursing through his veins as he spotted a cave behind a river, he hurried in the water and the splashes were loud in the dark and silent area, as he arrived the stoney chore he climbed slightly up , and panted laying ont he ground, he would need an invidual a strong one.... but who?
Then suddenly a line of the letter came to his mind
"After all the devil is summoned" Zack knew that his idea was ridiculous, that it was risky and dangerous, but he needed someine strong and evil , someone who would think like a maniac,like someone ruthless and cold, like someone blood thirsty and cold...
Who would sound like a killer......and who would fit better than
The devil??.

Zack knew what he needed to do he pulled out his dagger sand slit it across his hands wiping on the floor,making a circle motion,
As he spoke out "take my soul, take my being, but give me back
A certain Feeling, power and knowledge you will lend me,and maybe then you can end me,bound together until the end, you'll protect me and lend me a hand" he waited from some minutes as black and blue flames erupted.

Zack recoiled as he saw the flames and fear but wonder cursed through him , In front of him was now a man with white skin, rough red lips,blue icey slitted eyes and a black undercut,the man was wearing a black suit with silver details and a red bronze in the middle of his tie,his face stoic,and huge black wings adorned with blue diamonds decorated his back, black horns being the crown of his being , sharp white fangs , and white claws, and the last thing,
A black thin tail that had sharp diamond edge at the end.

Zack looked at the creature in awe, wonder , curiousity and mumbeld out "fuck I summoned the devil......"

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