Unexpected Guest

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"Hurry up!" I say as my best friend, Bailey,  took her time getting her suit case out of the back of the taxi we had taken from the airport to the hotel.

 "I'm small. There's only so much I can do. Plus, you've waited this long, you can wait two more minutes!" Bailey remarked. Today was the day. We were finally meeting our internet friends, also known as the rest of OSM. "Okay I'm done," she said to herself, pulling out her last bag.

 "Okay lets go!" I say while running into the hotel. Well, as much as someone can run with two pounds of luggage. 

"Slow down! I do NOT run." Bailey scolded me, which I did not enjoy. I hit the bell on the desk, wondering where the desk clerk was.

 "How may I help you?" A woman asked. Her face was wrinkled and weathered down by age. "I'm Summer Schmittling, with the tour? I'm part of OSM," I say. 

 "Here you are. Bailey Mescher and Summer Schmittling, room 704. We'll have someone take your bags for you. Rehearsal for your ' tour ' is in that room," she cringed at the word tour.  Bailey and I walked together to the room. It was a rather large room, probably used for weddings and stuff like that. 

"You ready?" Bailey asked.

 "As ready as I'll ever be," I shrugged, and with that, we entered the room. It was a large room with a stage. There were also... people there? Lauren and Alyssa I would guess from the red hair. 

"Oh my god its you!" I nearly shouted, hugging Lauren first. 

"Wow. I feel loved," Alyssa sneered.

 "I love you," Bailey smiled while hugging Alyssa. 

"I finally met you!" Lauren screamed releasing from the hug. So I hugged Alyssa. Alyssa was short. Like, really short. 

"Wow you're cold! Your heart must effect the out side of your body too," Alyssa said while laughing. 

"Haha," I say while glaring at her. 

"Where are Morgynn and Ariana?" 

"Right here!" Ariana exclaimed. I hugged Morgynn first because she was in front of me, and then I hugged Ariana. Morgynn was taller than me, so at least I wasn't the tallest of us all. 

"We're supposed to be rehearsing or whatever," Alyssa said. 

"Ugh!" Lauren rolled her eyes. 

"Bailey and I will go first," I say.

 "You sure?" Morgynn asked. 

"Yeah. We're prepared, " Bailey said. 

"What song?" I asked as we hopped on to the stage and turned on the microphones. 

" Can't Feel My Face? " Bailey asked while glancing at me. So, I won't bore you with all the details, but we rehearsed. About half way through the rehearsal, this happened -

Summer!" Lauren called, interrupting me. 

"What Lauren?" I asked. That's when I heard clapping from behind me. 

"This is a private rehearsal. The show's not until Friday," I said while looking at Lauren.

 "I was invited," a boy's voice said.


Who do you think the boy is? Thanks for reading Chapter One. Go read my other books.

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