Hide and Seek

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"Ariana, do you have a boyfriend?" A boy asked. Ariana started laughing loudly. Meanwhile, girls had surrounded JJ like he was a shoe sale. I looked around, and I was instantly  overwhelmed by the amount of people that were crowding us. I looked at Bailey, fear most likely evident in my eyes. Everyone was surrounded, and there was no escape.

"Well guess it wasn't Cameron!" I yelled at JJ.

"It's not my fault!" JJ glared while he was talking to me.

"Lets run for it!" Bailey said, starting to look for an impossible exit.

"We can't! We'll be in TMZ for weeks," I said, sighing heavily.

"Listen up!" Alyssa yelled. No one listened however.

"Listen!" JJ screamed. Everyone then looked at JJ.

"Hey guys. Lets play hide and seek in the mall!" Bailey said with rather fake enthusiasm I might add.

"We'll hide, and when we're ready to be found, we'll tweet out the word seek," I said.

"Ready...set....run!" Lauren said. We started to run, until we realized we had no idea where we were headed.

"Lets split into teams," Alyssa suggested, shrugging her shoulders.

"Yeah. I'm small and Asian, I don't want to get left," Bailey said. Ariana agreed.

"Lets do teams of two. JJ and me, Ariana and Morgynn, Bailey and Lauren... and that's leaves you Summer," Alyssa said, probably counting us off inside her mind.

"I'll just go with Bailey and Lauren," I said.

"We need to hurry up!" Ariana said.

"Chill," Lauren said.

"Lets go to Forever 21!" Bailey said.

"They know that's your favorite store," Lauren said. 

"H and M?" Bailey asked.

"Bailey, were going to have to go somewhere you'd never shop," I said.

"Like an old people store?" Bailey asked, disgusted.

"Let's just go!" Lauren said, pulling at my wrist. Alyssa and JJ went one way, Bailey, Lauren, and I went another, and Morgynn and Ariana went a whole different route. While running through the mall, Bailey stopped in front of a store that they didn't have in Ohio. "Ooh! Lets go here! I want to buy that," Bailey said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Let's go Bailey!" Lauren said.

"But it's so cute," Bai said looking back at the shop as Lauren pulled her down the corridors of the mall.

"There!" I said looking at Hot Topic.

"They have American Horror Story stuff though," Bailey countered.

" I shop there, by the way," Lauren grinned.

"Ugh! How about umm... there!" I said looking at a Macy's.

"Yeah, they'll never look in there. It's too big," Lauren said. So we ran in to Macy's and hide in the aisle with the bedding.

Everyone had tweeted 'Seek', and that's when we bumped into some people... Alyssa and JJ.

"Ugh! You hid here too?" I asked.

"Its two stories, and you just happen to pick this aisle?" Alyssa groaned.

"What kind of teenagers hide down an aisle full of comforters?" Lauren asked.

"Apparently us," JJ said.

"Hey look Summer, its black like your soul," Alyssa said pulling out a black sheet set.

"I wonder where Morgynn and Ariana are," Lauren said, looking through the sheet sets.

"Probably in Nirvana or American Apparel," Alyssa said, shrugging.

"Where did you see an American Apparel? " Bailey asked, her eyes lighting up.

"Bailey, we'll shop as soon as they leave," Lauren said.

"Promise?" Bailey asked.

"Promise," Lauren replied.

"So what now?" I asked.

"Yeah. This is kind of boring," JJ said.

"Just wait like five minutes and then we'll go shop," Alyssa said.  Roughly five minutes go by, accompanied by an awkward silence. 

"Let's go to American Apparel!" Bailey said, smiling.

"Will you pick out clothes for me?" I asked.

"Duh!" Bailey replied. So Bailey, Alyssa, JJ,  Lauren, and I all went downstairs to American Apparel. We started to look around, find stuff that interest us.

"Here!" Bailey said, throwing a shirt at me.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Don't you trust me?" Bailey asked.

"Eh," I said.

"Just go try it on," Lauren nagged.

"Fine," I said.

"God, she's difficult!" Alyssa sighed.

" I know right!" Bailey agreed.

"Heard that," I said.

"It was meant to be heard!" JJ said. I tried on the shirt and walked out of the dressing room.

"You have to buy it and wear it on tour," Bailey said, laughing.

"Seriously? " I asked.

"Oh, it's so cute!" Lauren said. I went back into the dressing room, and put on my own shirt.  Once I came back out, we started to walk out of American Apparel.

That's when we were spotted, and there was no turning back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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