Chapter 28

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Chapter 28: Ghoulish Undead Star Magic!

As Estelle and her allies leave the small office, they collect themselves from what has happened.

“So… Ghosts do exist.” Estelle said, “All the books I've read about them are true!”

“More like they've been around for a long time!” Tierra said,

“Ok, so what do we do with a ghost?!” Castor said, scared, “We all know that they're hollow, right?”

“They are.” Estelle replied, “There should be a vacuum back in the office.”

“And if there is a vacuum, it should probably be dead by now.” Realta said, “Otherwise, it would have been found in a cabinet.”


“So, what's the plan, Estelle?” Itri asked,

Estelle sighed.

“I don't know…” She replied, “I haven't thought of one yet.”

Then, the ghost appeared in front of them out of the ground.

“GAH! IT JUST APPEARED IN FRONT OF US!” Castor shouted in fear as he hid behind Itri, “SAVE ME!”

“This guy fears ghosts more than all of us.” Itri said,

“Guess we gotta fight this thing then!” Tierra said, “Quickest and only way out of this!”

The ghost then created some sort of purple star magic.

“Woah! Watch out!” Realta shouted,

The ghost then shot out a big blast of its purple star magic at the group. Everyone dodges as the purple star magic hits the ground. The ghost then looked around at its supposed opponents.

“This type of star magic feels familiar…” Tierra said, “Wait, isn't this–”

The ghost then charged towards Tierra, but Tierra ducked to the ground.

“--I can't find a way to speak!” They shouted, “This is Undead Star magic!”

“Un-Undead?!” Itri said, “I thought that magic went extinct!”

“Apparently it was weakened!”


“Wasn't that the same magic from Edgard?!” Estelle said, “The guy that my father had to deal with almost 2 decades ago?!”

“Yes!” Tierra replied, “But this one has Star Magic as well! It's surprising, but also crazy! Someone must have summoned a ghost to look out this checkpoint while they're gone!”

“Well we gotta calm this ghost down, right?” Itri said,

“Seems likely! But how?!” Estelle said,

Then, the ghost froze.

“Oh? Guess the ghost's creator is here?” Realta wondered,

The ghost then thawed out and floated away to someone, faster than a speeding light.

“Hey! I'm so sorry!” A Masculine voice shouted, “Are you all travelers?!”

An old male Elf who looked like he's in his 40s revealed himself.

“I'm so sorry y'all!” He said, “My ghost can act a tad bit crazy whenever I'm far away from here.”

“Uhhh, thanks for saving us.” Estelle said, confused,

“Oh! My name is Daranel by the way! What brings you all here?”

“We need to go through the checkpoint.”

“Ok! Sounds good! Here, let me go inside and–”

Daranel then looked at the book Estelle was holding.

“Hot dog, ain't that the Book Of Stars?” He said,

“Yeah, it is.” Estelle replied, “I'm using it to collect a good amount of elemental star magic.”

“Oh! Can I give you my undead star magic?”

“You want me to use that for my adventure?”

“If you want to.”

“...I guess, it shouldn't hurt to have that in the Book Of Stars. Alright, stand back everyone!”

Everyone stood back as Estelle opened up her Book Of Stars with her Star magic to flip through the blank pages after the pages showing the Earth Star magic spells.

“Ok, give it the Undead Star Magic!” Estelle said as she showed Daranel the blank pages,

“Will do!” Daranel said as he powers up an attack by creating a ghostly zombie with his Undead Star magic, “Don't worry, he won't bite! He'll be your companion in the book!”


“Alright, go!”

Daranel then blasted the ghostly zombie into Estelle's Book Of Stars. On impact, the book absorbed the ghostly zombie for it to obtain Undead Star Magic for Estelle to use.

“Wow, it worked as well!” Tierra said,

“Thanks, sir.” Estelle said to Daranel,

“No, thank you.” Daranel said, “Here, let me open up the checkpoint for you. Before that, I need y'all to sign your names down and where y'all be going.”

“Ok, sounds good.”

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