MISSION-1_TITLE:____ (three)

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Bad grammar
Mentions of war,bømbs,death
<a tall building crashes crushing many toilets and cameramen>
<fire is everywhere,explosions left and right>
<on days like these,shoulders need saving>
yelled KCW
Evan yelled back
<she'd run off and check up on cameramen picking them up and teleporting them to the hospital (TV men found out a way to give their ability to teleport to others but it's limited in battle)>
<she'd shake off debris and slice through toilets to reach more soldiers to save>
<she'd stare at the dead cameramen,knowing she was too late.>
<those damn fucking toilets.>
<she resumed to fighting slicing enemies in half and dashing away to save more>
<when the battle ended she scanned the area,all the soldiers where safe>

<then,she saw a weird looking cameraman?>
<they didn't look like they had weapons from the alliance?>
<she went up to them to greet them>
"Hello?" KCW asked
"wHø 4rÊ yØ7?" He said
"I'm KCW Katana camera woman" she said
"¡ mUšt gØ"
<he disappeared>

"Thank you for saving all the cameramen KCW we really appreciate it!" The scientist cameraman said
"Oh thank you, Evan really helped me a lot" KCW said
"Hm..you need to patrol city 24-A20,there's reports of a mysterious cameramen who likes that place" asked the scientist
"Alright,I can go!" She'd say
<she used a teleporter to go to the city>
<KCW walked around the place closely examining the place>
<she saw a faint glow,something watching her>
<she shook it off and started climbing up the stairs on the building>

<the weird looking cameraman was there>
<he turned around and waved at KCW>
<she waved back>
"So,there are reports of you wondering this place" KCW said
"tH3rĒ ÄrĘ?" He asked
"Plenty of them,they all said there was a small glow and them getting attacked for some reason" KCW said and sat down next to him
"By the way- I never got your name,what is it?"
KCW asked
"Oh that's a nice name" KCW said
"Why do you keep talking like that?"
"¡ W@š bØrń Ł¡kė tH¡s,į'S ä ÇÙrsĒ" he said without a blank appearance
"I think it sounds cool,your different and you should be prou-"
<KCW jumped up>
"We GOT to get out of here! It's not safe"
"wHŷ ñØT śTAy HÈrė ¿"
<a rocket was fired at them and a barrier appeared>
"That's why." KCW said
<KCW picked him up and ran to the nearest teleporter slicing though toilets>

"Hm. What are we going to do when they see you?"
"¡'M îNVïšAłe"
"How can I see you then?"
"I DuñØ"
"Just wonder around and don't touch anything,I need to meet with the scientist"
<KCW walks to the scientist>
"Alright,I found the cameraman and talked to him,he seems peaceful and never attacked anybody but shows sign of being a rouge" KCW told the scientist
"Hmm.how did he act?" Scicamera asked
(Note form writer: I will be calling scientist sci camera for short)
"He was nice,mysterious and very weird"
"I wanted to talk more but then a swarm of toilets attacked us and I needed to get him to safety"
"I can only see him when he doesn't glow for some reason" said KCW
"I'll send a team with a titan to take down the toilets,what's his name?"asked sci camera
"Oh it's wi-*CRASH*
<the door had flight open>
<willow was standing there,shaking a bit>
The scientist yelled
"Uhhhm- it's nobody I guess,maybe somebody pulled a prank" KCW said while willow rushed to her and hugged her tightly
"Willow get off please I can talk to you later" she whispered to willow
<willow said nothing>
"Alright you can go home.all the missions are done"
The scientist said
<KCW picked up willow and went to the nearest teleporter and got to her home>
"Alright,what did you see?" Asked KCW
<willow hugged KCW harder>
"I'm let you stay here,you can leave anytime just leave a note ,the pen and paper will be on the kitchen counter"KCW said
<willow was already asleep in her arms while still hugging her tightly>
<KCW sighed and got on her bed>
<she decided to sleep and closed her phone>
Wowie this took three days cause I keep forgetting to write lol
Btw willow and KCW are cuddling :0000
(I might call KCW Katie sometimes cause the name is better)
(Btw willow is actually 17 but never grew outta his childhood)

Log entry one
Not a bad day
Finished missions and visited _______
Seems like willow will be tamed by her
He wont be a beast after all.

830 words

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