The Awakening

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Volume 1: The Awakening


Kaito Nakamura sat at his desk, his dorm room illuminated by the faint glow of his computer screen. It was another late night, filled with homework and mindless scrolling through social media. The same routine he’d followed for months, maybe even years. Life had become monotonous, a cycle of classes, part-time jobs, and gaming. Nothing exciting ever happened to him—no adventures, no surprises.

Kaito sighed, running a hand through his messy black hair. His textbooks were open, but his mind was elsewhere. The day had been long and uneventful, like so many before it. He’d skipped lunch to finish an assignment, and his stomach growled in protest, reminding him he hadn’t eaten dinner either. But instead of heading to the kitchen, he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, hoping for a moment of peace.

Sleep was already tugging at the edges of his consciousness when something strange happened. The usual hum of his computer, the distant sounds of traffic outside his window, even the muffled voices from the hall—all faded away. The silence was eerie, unnatural. Kaito’s eyes shot open, and his breath caught in his throat.

His dorm room was gone.

He wasn’t sitting at his desk anymore. Instead, he found himself lying on his back in a vast, open field. The grass beneath him was soft and cool, and the air was filled with the scent of fresh earth and blooming flowers. Kaito sat up abruptly, his heart pounding. This wasn’t possible. He had to be dreaming.

The sky above him was a brilliant blue, but something was off—there were two suns shining down, one large and golden, the other smaller and pale white. Kaito blinked, trying to process what he was seeing. This was no dream he’d ever had before. Everything felt too real. The warmth of the suns on his skin, the gentle breeze ruffling his hair, even the distant sound of water flowing somewhere nearby. It all felt...alive.

He slowly rose to his feet, turning in a full circle to take in his surroundings. The meadow stretched out in all directions, bordered by towering trees with silver leaves that sparkled in the sunlight. Beyond the trees, he could see mountains rising into the sky, their peaks shrouded in mist. The landscape was both breathtaking and terrifying in its unfamiliarity.

“What the hell is going on?” Kaito muttered to himself, rubbing his eyes in a futile attempt to wake up from this bizarre dream. But nothing changed. He was still here, wherever here was.

As he tried to make sense of his situation, a low growl rumbled through the air, freezing Kaito in place. He turned slowly, his pulse quickening, and his eyes widened as a massive shadow fell over him.

Standing just a few feet away was a creature unlike anything Kaito had ever seen—a gigantic wolf, its fur as white as snow, with eyes that glowed a deep, piercing blue. The wolf’s presence was both majestic and terrifying, its gaze locked onto Kaito as if it had been waiting for him.

Kaito took an involuntary step back, his breath coming in short gasps. The wolf didn’t move, but its growl deepened, resonating in Kaito’s chest like the rumble of distant thunder.

“You have been chosen,” the wolf spoke, its voice a deep, resonant tone that seemed to echo inside Kaito’s mind rather than in his ears. The wolf’s lips didn’t move, yet Kaito could hear it clearly. “Welcome to Elara, the world of gods and legends.”

Kaito’s legs nearly gave out beneath him. This had to be some sort of hallucination. He shook his head, trying to clear the fog of confusion. “Chosen? For what? What is this place?”

The wolf took a step closer, its eyes never leaving Kaito’s. “You have been summoned to this world to fulfill a prophecy, one that has been foretold for centuries. You are the one who will bring balance to Elara, but the path ahead is fraught with danger and uncertainty.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28 ⏰

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