Death and Rebirth

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 Harry's POV:

I stare in disbelief as Ron points his wand at me.

"Its nothing personal, mate. You were supposed to die, none the wiser, while fighting Voldemort. Then Dumbledore would pop in and finish him off. It wasn't supposed to be like this, but it is. So now I have to take care of you."

I just stare at him, not quite comprehending that my best friend, my brother, is about to kill me. And that my other best friend, sister even, is the one who magically binded me so Ron could finish the job. How could they do this to me? after everything I've sacrificed for them?

"Oh come now Ronald, just finish him off so we can get the inheritance!"Hermione exclaims.

"We aren't related, you won't get my inheritance!" i scream.

"That's were you're wrong Harry! We had you sign the paperwork to marry Ginny so when you die she gets the inheritance and shell share it with us!" Hermione exclaims once more.

"I never signed a marriage contract!"

"yeah you did mate, right after Sirius died we slipped the paperwork in with his funeral work." Ron says.

"You bastards! how dare you manipulate me I swear I'll-"

 Hermione cuts me off, "You'll what? Your magically bound, there's no way to escape here to get revenge. you're going to die here harry, then Ron and ginny and I will be rich! and then Dumbledore can come out of hiding and claim your glory, of course."

"... please, just tell me one thing. how long have you been manipulating me?"

"oh since the very beginning, you think its a coincidence that my mum was speaking so loudly about wizards at a muggle train station? we wanted you attention so we could keep an eye on you."

"yeah, not to mention dumbledore has been paying us to be your friends, its not like we would even be your friend otherwise, youre dreadfully boring and sad."


My heart breaks even more as I listen to them explain how they ruined my life. Apparently they told people i didnt care about anyone other than them and that they should stay away from me. They also helped spread rumors about me all throughout my school years to make sure im only friends with them. I dont think it can get worse than this honestly...

"oh well, i guess its time to get rid of the rubbish now!" ron cackles then points his wand at me. I close my eyes as he screams the killing curse at me. then i hear nothing...

I open my eyes slowly to see... nothing. theres just nothing, i dont even know how im standing up right now.

"Because im allowing you too."

I turn around and see a dark, cloaked figure with a massive scythe. this could only be one being.

"death..." i whisper.

"Yes, master. its me."


"You became my master when you acquired the 3 Deathly Hallows."

"O-okay... what happens now?"

"Well, you could move on to the afterlife, meet you parents, see sirius, or... you could go back."

"Back? back where?"

"Back the earth of course. you could go back to when you were 11 with your current memories intact. you could avoid the manipulations of Dumbledore. you could get revenge."

"Wait really? ... do you really think I should get revenge? dumbledore says-" I cut myself off. 'dumbledore betrayed you' I tell myself, 'so you shouldn't do what he says anymore. In fact why dont you do the opposite of what he'd tell you to do?'

"Alright, Death. Ill go back. ill go back and make them regret even thinking about manipulating me." i say as i smirk at death. he smirks back,

"Good choice. i will send to back to your eleventh birthday, you will have your memories and your current magical capabilities and you will be able to call on me when needed. dont do it to often though as it will make you tired."

"Okay, thank you for this chance."

"Of course, master. now off you go."

he shoos his hand at me and i start falling. Suddenly I flail and hit my hands on wood. I look around and notice that Im in my cupboard and im much smaller. And in pain... I need to fin out what these muggles know although im not the best at legilimency. Well, if I happen to turn their brains to mush, its not much of a loss. I once again smirk as I unlock my cupboard wandlessly. Time to make these muggles regret ever hurting me... 

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