Reader x Oni

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~~Pics are not mine~~~

You weren't sure what was going on. Nea and Ace were all sent back on the hooks, but you were left untouched while King was being chased. Except when you tried to help them get off the hooks that was. The Oni would appear out of thin air before you could grab them and hoist them by their waist to get out. He would pick you up with ease instead of bonk you with his weapon and throw you over his shoulder, his grip firm, but gentle placing you far away by a generator. You were so baffled you would stare while he ran away and bashing into one of your other teammates. You hadn't even noticed that you by yourself had completed three generators. Why was he acting so.........friendly to you? You weren't going to complain since it was very, very, VERY rare to find one that didn't want to throw you on a hook unless they were not in the mood and let you all go. Even for it being a week or two weeks new to this whole charade of cat and mouse  you learned very fast that killers were not friendly at all! Except this time he was being friendly to you, but you weren't sure why. 

Was it because of the one time the last trial you had with him he rammed stright into the shack barely missing you and got his mask stuck in a crevice in the boards? Then after a few minutes of struggling and not being able to get out you crept up to him hesitating. Seeming to understand what you were trying to do he waited patiently as you helped him by using one of the tools in your kit to chip some of the wood away freeing him.  Maybe that was it? Even though the exits were open you couldn't just leave him there stuck. In the let you leave. After that he left you alone and you hadn't seen him in any more trials until today. 

"Hmmm." You hummed to yourself as you finished twisting the nozzle making the generator work. "Oh no!! They're going to kill me when I get back to camp for leaving them like that!" You mumbled to yourself as you might get bonked by either Nea or Ace. Maybe both. Picking up your small medkit and standing up you stretched a bit getting the blood back in you legs from squatting for so long. After a few seconds of a good stretch you steadily went to the side listening intently as you searched for another generator. Heart pounding, you weren't sure if it was from the heat of the sun or the stress from it being too quiet. Maybe both? The fields of yellow cornstalks were waving gently with the warm breeze. Ace and Nea were already sent back leaving you and King the only survivors left. After a few silent minutes an angry roar sounded somewhere near to your left. 

'Pretty close to me. I should move away so I'm not making it harder.' 

Then after you heard King scream in pain signaling that he was downed and about to be on his second hook. Making you turn in his direction so you could rescue faster you sped walked keeping to the back ducking behind trees. Hopefully the Oni wouldn't be puppy guarding and looking for you somewhere else. Your comrade had kept the killer distracted for a good amount of time after the other two got sent back, but you needed to get two more repaired and you weren't sure if he would stay friendly long. Running to where King sounded from you crouched down behind a stack of dry hay scanning the terrain for any signs of movement near your beeline of direction. King was in the basement and that was going to be a bit harder to get him out if the killer was guarding it. Getting a bit closer you took notice you had no heartbeat, nor heard any sounds of stomping or walking. That was good. He was somewhere else looking for you, but rescuing Nea and Ace today was different. Oni usually makes noise to alert you of his presence. This trial he wasn't. He could appear right in front of you and you'd never know until it was too late. Hesitating you really looked at anything that would seem out of place. Seeing nothing unusual, you moved towards the shack. Staying low and running as quietly as you could, you darted into the basement trying not to squeak any of the wooden stairs. Hanging patiently, King looked at you with a weak, tired grin.   

"Eh I'm sorry for not holding on long enough." He apologized coughing a bit with some pain in his tone as he was keeping the Entity's legs or whatever they were from stabbing him.

Dead By Daylight Oneshots x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now