chapter three..

66 3 10

вιllιe joe arмѕтrong ∘∭∘

We pulled to a stop in front of a blue suburban house with a white gutters and black metal gates surrounding the perimeter.

Home sweet home.

I swung the car door open and climbed out. I walked up the rather steep driveway with Alice trailing behind. We entered through the side door, and into the recently cleaned kitchen. The floors were a bit slick, but decent.

I sighed and walked through the living room and walked upstairs to my room. Alice stopped mid step in the hallway. She pointed at a picture with a boy with short slicked back hair, big green eyes and a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Is that you?" She asked, trying hard not to laugh.

I gave her a cold stare. "And I suppose your parents don't have dozens of baby pictures of their little star student?" I said coldly.

"Fair enough." Alice shrugged, unfazed.

I opened the door.

Alice's jaw drooped as she took in everything. I tried to see my room through her eyes.

Fair sized room, queen sized bed with black bedspread, guitars lining the wall, drum set squeezed in the corner, band posters everywhere. Not as much of a foot of bare white wall.

"Wow." Was all she said before she sling her backpack off and sat on the bed. She took out her binder and school-provided laptop. I sat two feet away and slung off my backpack as well. I took out my laptop and binder, then threw it across the room. Alice looked at it and raised an eyebrow. She shook her head and then turned to me.

"So, which extinct animal should we do?"

"I don't know, what about a dodo bird?" I smirked.

"Um, no. I was thinking we should do it on something, oh, I don't know, important." Alice said, rolling her eyes.

"I think the dodo bird was a fascinating creature." I shot back.

"What is the scientific name for the dodo bird then?" She asked.


"Raphus cucullatus."


"Anyway, which animal?"

"How the hell would I know?"

"Whatever." Alice said, facing her laptop. She googled 'extinct animals'.

"Oo, I found a extinct butterfly in Canada, called the Karner Blue." Alice said.

"Sounds stupid."

"It sounds like our ticket to an A." Alice retorted.

"Let's do a mean animal. Something screams 'rock & roll' or 'danger'." I emphasized.

"Well, I do know of the Smilodon." Alice suggested.

"Awesome! Let's do that. Um, what's a Smilodon, exactly?" I asked hesitantly, kind of embarrassed.

"It's a saber tooth tiger, dipshit." Alice giggled slightly.

"Alright. Well then. Should we start writing now?" I ask.

"No, you idiot. We have to do more research!" Alice narrowed her eyes.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

We heard the front door open from downstairs. "Beej, I'm home!" My mother called.

"Beej?" Alice raised an eyebrow.

"Shut up." I growled softly and led her down the staircase.

"Oh. Who's this pretty lady?" My mother asked. She had short blonde hair and green eyes. My hair is naturally blonde, but I dye it black every four months.

"I'm Alice," She smiled and shook my mom's hand.

"I'm Ollie. So are you a friend of Billie's?" Mom asked with a smile.

"Just a study buddy." I quickly answered.

Alice frowned for a minute. "Yeah, study buddies."

"Well you kids have fun. But not too much fun, okay?" Ollie warned.

"Oh my god mom, stop, no." I blushed slightly. Why was I blushing?

"Um, let's go study now..." Alice shuffled her feet awkwardly and went back to my room. I followed.

Well, so far so awkward.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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