My Older Sister

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For my older sister who has always been there for me. I love you!
(to: Amanda)
When I was young,
You held my hand.
And when I thought,
I thought of you as grand.

But as you grew,
You had to move away,
You packed your bags,
And I was sad that day.

But when you finished school,
You came back to say hello,
And our whole family ate Grandma's straberry Jell-O.

Later that year,
You met a man.
And I was so exited,
To shake his hand.

We went to the doctor
with the family,
The doctor said it was a girl,
An addition to the family tree?

Lots of waiting,
For that special day,
I didn't want the baby to change our ways.

But I was happy for you,
When I saw her at that place,
Fragile skin, a beautiful face.

And ever since then,
I've been excited to see,
The little growing girl
An adult to be.

But through all of this,
I love you still,
And my big heart,
Will be forever filled.

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