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After that, his uncle picks up the other 'yantok' on the ground,  as they perform their sword stand.  Both of them say "ready", as the training begins.

Apo immediately rushes to his uncle's side as he attacks him with a powerful swing to his side. As he swings it in all his might, his uncle immediately intercepts it. As apo was flown away by the force of impact. Apo was able to land on his feet, as he immediately stood up on the ground and charged again from a different angle.

They keep going and going, as multiple explosive sounds were created by the two weapons clashing simultaneously with each other. To the point that, the sound it was making was starting to echoes all around the area.

While all of this is happening, Jasper was starting to notice some improvements in apo's fighting style. 'It must be more refined than the last time' Jasper said to himself. Before swinging his weapon sideways, try to stop Apo for his continuous assault.

White he does that, Apo immediately ducks down, as he immediately tries to aim for his uncle's feet. But his eyes started to widen, as a powerful kick suddenly hit him in the chest, sending him flying again...

Jasper remembers the first day before all of this has happened. 'Apo was only ten years old, when he first asked me to train her. He was weak at that time, to the point that walking a few minutes was enough to make him tired. That's why most of the time, the kid was inside of the house all day, as my sister is always taking care of him too much. To the point that, it is way more rare for him to see that kid outside the house.

But all of this has changed as my father passed away. Many doctors had said that my father had died due to the stress in his body when he was a hero in the past. And it looks like, father already knew about it as he already worked his inheritance for a couple of months when he was still alive. Maybe it is also the reason why Apo was asking me to train her at that time.

Back to the present, as Jasper remembers the past events, he started to feel proud for what apo had become now. But still it is not the basis for her to go easy on him, as he keeps blocking and dodging all Apo's attacks.

Apo tries to continue the assault, as he targets all of his uncle's body. He attacks the head, the knee, the shoulder, the torso, and the back. But when his attacks were about to hit him, his uncle was somewhat able to block it.

Even though his uncle is only blocking and evading his attack for some time. It still gives her a hard time as sometimes Jasper suddenly attacks him in the unexpected way, making him fall to the ground. 

While he's on the ground, Apo starts to remember the early days of his training. "It was hell" he said, since every single day Apo needs to do all the difficult training regiment that his uncle orders him to do.

He ran for two hours straight, he pushed up until he already couldn't feel his arm, and he swung his sword until his palms got blisters. He keeps doing that every single day just to make his body strong. Because his body is weak and he needed a strong body if apo truely was to become a hero.

But eventually, all his hard work was not even enough to land even a single hit on his uncle's body. As he thinks that, Apo starts doubting himself as he said to himself, 'can I really do it?'... Since it had been a few minutes as the training started and it felt like, his uncle was just playing at him.

As he stands on the ground. Jasper starts to see his mood was low. So as apo starts doubting himself even more, Jasper shouts at him. "Is this all you can do? I thought you really wanted to become a hero, but it looks like I was wrong" as he tried to boost his morale. As Apo hears it, His mind starts to remember the promise he makes with someone. Making his heart keep pumping more and more as he tightens his grip on his weapon.

Suddenly apo closes his eyes, he takes a deep breath. Before he slowly opened it again as his composure eventually came back. As his uncle sees it, he begins to grin in excitement, as he prepares himself before charging to Apo in blinding speed.

As the battle continues, Apo also charges again as the two continue to clash on the field. Apo attacks become faster and more precise than the last time as Jasper starts to notice it.

Blow after blow, as the two weapons clash around the area. Apo can clearly see the huge difference in their power as Jasper predicts all Apo's attacks. He also tried to use some dirty tactic as he threw some dirt in his uncle's face. Just in case he can land a hit, but his uncle immediately dodges it as he punches him in the stomach.

Apo already knows that his uncle was a recently retired hero. But apo doesn't know that, was an elite hero in the past. Even though his not popular unlike many, he is still considered in the hero community as the elite of the elites.

And it was all because of Jasper's unique ability called 'killer instinct'. This kind of special ability was able to detect any incoming danger or attack in his surroundings.

It was so precise, that it was able to predict even the future outcome of the battles. Thanks to this ability, he is easily able to defend all incoming attacks that Apo has thrown.

As a fierce battle was about to end, the sound of clashing sticks can only be heard for a while, it suddenly stops. On the field, Apo is so exhausted from all of the attacks that he had done.

He looks at his uncle, as he said to himself, 'ahhh now I know now, that from that start, it was clear, that I'm still not enough to stand against him. To my uncle, a hero, and a person I want to become in the future.. So in the end I'm still weak, like I was in the past... But it's still not the end as long as I'm not giving up, because to me, giving up is worse than death, like my grandpa says'.

As he thinks that, Apo starts to prepare himself for his final attack. As Jasper sees it too, he also starts to prepare, since he knows that Apo is already tired and doesn't have enough energy left in his body.

So he knows, that this will be Apo's final attack, as he can see that Apo is already past his limit... Apo can hear his heart pumping, as he takes a slow and deep breath. He focuses his mind as channel his  remaining energy on his body.

As he does that, Jasper starts to see some little aura leaving around his body.

When all was done, Apo whispered to himself "cross flash" as he suddenly charged at blinding speed. It was so fast, that in just a split second he was already in front of his uncle, as he left a deep foot mark on the ground.

Apo swings his weapon in a cross pattern with maximum power, while the weapon itself was bending as it passed through the air.

But like always, before it can hit his uncle of the attack. Jasper was able to predict the attack pattern again, as he blocked it with his weapon, creating shock waves around the area.

As the two flew by the explosion, apo was thrown a few feet more as he plummeted on the ground. While on the ground, Jasper slowly walked to him before picking up Apo's weapon, as he ended their training session.

As Jasper looks at him, a small laugh was released in apo's mouth as he said, " hahaha I still can't defeat your uncle". As he said that, Jasper slowly responded, saying, "no, you did good enough" as a small smile was seen on his face.

Apo looks in the sky for a while, before his eyes slowly close, as he falls asleep... After that, Jasper slowly picks him up on the ground as he places him on the long chair, waiting for him to wake up.

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