Prologue: The Unseen parts

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From the moment they met as children, Kennedy and Andy were inseparable. They built forts out of blankets, raced their bikes through the neighborhood, and shared secrets whispered under the stars. To everyone around them, their friendship was perfect, unbreakable—two halves of a whole that seemed destined to last forever.

But as they grew older, subtle differences began to emerge. Kennedy, always confident and outgoing, was the golden boy—popular, athletic, the center of attention. Andy, on the other hand, was quieter, more introspective, content to let Kennedy shine while he stayed in the background.

Despite these differences, their bond remained strong. Through high school and into college, they were still the best of friends. But beneath the surface, Andy harbored a secret—a secret that threatened to destroy everything they had built together.

Andy was gay. And he was in love with Kennedy.

It wasn’t something he had planned or wanted. It just…happened. But how could he confess his feelings to his best friend, the one person who had been there for him through everything? Especially when Kennedy was openly homophobic, making jokes and comments that cut Andy deeper than he would ever know.

Andy tried to bury his feelings, to pretend that nothing had changed. But the heart wants what it wants, and Andy’s heart ached for something he knew he could never have.

As their college years rolled on, the weight of his secret became too much to bear. Andy knew he was standing on the edge of a precipice. One wrong move, one moment of weakness, and he could lose Kennedy forever.

But the human heart is a fragile thing, and sometimes it shatters under the pressure of unspoken truths.

And so, with a mixture of hope and dread, Andy prepared to tell Kennedy the one thing that could either save or destroy their friendship.

What he didn’t know was that this confession would set off a chain of events that would change their lives in ways neither of them could have ever imagined.

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