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Marcus: Okey we got a big problem i mean you guys have a big problem.

Lily: What is going on?

Marcus: The rumors are all over social media. I dont think next time you can hide all this.

Martinus: We're fucked up!

Lily: No we're not! The only thing you have to say is you're in love and happy thats all.

Martinus: True but im still a little bit scared. Marcus kept his girlfriend a seacret for a hole year and there still was little bit of hate.

Lily: Martinus we already talked about this!

Martinus: Okey the next interview i Will tell everyone if there is a question about me and Lily.

Marcus: great!

Marcus leaves the kitchen. But why Martinus is so scared about telling everybody about us? Is ir really that bad? Or its something else....

Martinus:Are you okey?

Lily: Oh yeah!

Martinus: I doesnt look like that i called your name like 3 times.

Lily: Im okey!

Martinus: if you say so...

Mom: Hey honey lets go to bed!

Little girl: but i want to wait for dady!

Mom: You have to go to bed!

Little girl: but i said i dont want to!

Mom: Well i dont care Come here

She takes the little girl and puts her in her bed leaves and locks the door. The little girl starts yelling and crying but the Mother just leaves her in her room.

Mom: I hate to do this to her! I hate everything i have to do!

Little girl 2: I know mom!

The Mother starts crying and The other little girl starts huging her tells her its going to be okey and then dad comes home.

Dad: And why are you crying?

Mom: Well hello to you too!

Dad: Awnser my fucking question!

Mom: And why do you care? You never cared about me. You never cared about us!

Dad: oh shut up!

Little girl 2: Dad please dont!

Dad: You too little brat!

Little girl 2: Are you drunk?

Dad: A little bit but you go to your room!

Little girl 2: NO!

Dad: You are a little bart I SAID GO TO YOUR ROOM!

Then the little girl in her room stops cryingand hears yelling abd something falling on the ground.

She starts banging on the door and yelling to get her out. Her Sister comes in the room and puts on earphones and puts on music.

Little girl 2: Hey sis its going to be okey!

Little girl: NO I HAVE TO GO!

The little sister runs out of her bed room and sees her dad beating up her Mother. Mother is bleeding everywhere.


Dad: Didnt i say go to your room?

And the next thing she knows she is on the ground and her head hurts and everything is blurry......

I woke up gasping for air. Shit. Nightmares are coming back. Its too bad. My head hurts i have to take meds.

I go to the bathroom and take my meds. And i hear nock on the batgroom door.

Martinus: Hey baby are you okey?

Lily: Uhm..yeah...i-im ok-key!

Martinus: Can you let me in?

Lily: Yeah just one sec!

I put my pils in my bag and wiped my tears of and touched my hair a little bit so i dont look so bad. I open the door.

Martinus: Why did you kavē the bed in such a hurry?

Lily: i.... i had... to pee! I had to pee!

Martinus: Lets go back to bed!

Lily: Sorry but i have to go home! My mom....called! Bye!

I Quickly ran to my house...

Martinus POV

She is being weard. Her mom didnt call. I could hear her dreaming and it sounded very bad. I heard name dad mom and a lots of Word no no no no. And she moved a lot and so Quick.

Marcus: What was that about?

Martinus: I actually dont know.

Millie: You know what happend so tell me i have to know.

Martinus: She ran to the bath room and i asked if she was okey she said she only has to pee and then she ran out and said her mom called and said she had to go home. But at night she was having this weard Dream i think i shoud call it a nightmare.

Millie: Shit. Shit. SHIT!

Martinus: Whats wrong?

And next thing i know she is out of the house too. Why the fuck no one tells me anything?

Lily POV

The panic attack is coming. Im hot everything is blurry everything is spining and my heart is beating so fast.
Great Millie is here.

Millie: Hey everything is okey? Did  you take the meds? Lily? Shit ypu are having a panic attack. Take deep breaths in and out im going to the bathroom and take your meds okey!

Just breath in and out slowy and really deep. Everything still is spining and blurry.

Millie: Hey take this and drink some whater okey.

I do everything she says and everything was better. Everything stoped spinjing and being blurry. My head hurts a little bit but finally this was over.

Millie: Lets go to bed okey?you need to  rest!

We got to my room and try to sleep but im scared that im going to have that dream again. The dream was too real. It wasnt a dream it was a memory and they are coming back. Thats not a good thing. And then i hear Martinus's voice.

Martinus: Let me go see her!

Millie: You cant and thats Best for her she needs to rest!

Martinus: But what happend whats wrong?

Millie: nothing just go home.

And after that i didnt hear a thing i think i finally fell asleep.

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