Sausage butty

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Marjorie had just had a very long night out. She was out drinking with Autumn, tried to keep up with her and she was now paying the price. She was violently hungover and the idea of everything repulsed her. Apart from one thing. A sausage butty.

Marjorie, in her hungover state, decided to get out of bed and go and make her sandwich herself rather than asking Reece. She was not a good cook by any means but in that moment she wanted to leave Reece sleeping and try to make it herself.

She went into the kitchen and got half of the sausages out of the fridge, she was leaving the rest for Reece to make his sandwich when he woke up. She didn't know how to work Reece's oven, especially not in her sluggish state.

Marjorie ended up burning the sausages to the point where they were inedible. She immediately burst into tears, she had ruined the one thing she wanted to eat. Marjorie slumped onto the floor, she was very upset. Reece woke up as soon as he heard her crying and practically rushed to the kitchen to check on her.

“Darling, what's wrong?” Reece said concerned. Marjorie couldn't even get words out because she was so upset she just pointed at her charred sausages she had attempted to make into a sandwich. Reece sat beside her on the floor and she instinctively laid her head on his chest, “Why didn't you wake me up? I would've done this for you.”

“I thought I could do it, I'm so sorry. I'll clean it up and go to bed.” Marjorie sobbed. She was really insecure because of her childhood and she half expected Reece to start shouting at her and calling her names. That's what she was used to.

Reece however, was a gentleman. He loved Marjorie more than anything in this world, she was the reason he wanted to wake up everyday. She was his sunshine. “Don't be silly Marjorie, go and get comfy on the sofa. I'll be there in a minute.” Marjorie listened to him and practically flopped onto the sofa, she had an awful headache and couldn't sit up without her head spinning.

Reece took out the remaining sausages from the fridge and began to cook them, Marjorie could tell what he was doing and she just assumed it was for himself. He made sure to cook the sausages correctly, he wanted nothing more than for it to be perfect for Marjorie.

Once the sausages were cooked he assembled the sandwich. He added extra ketchup, just how Marjorie liked it. He walked over to the sofa and sat beside Marjorie, "Come on Marj, sit up. This is for you."

Marjorie was confused at first, she had never had someone be as selfless as Reece was. “Wait, this is for me?” Marjorie said, tearing up. “Of course it is darling, just how you like it.” Marjorie burst into tears and practically jumped at Reece to hug him. She had never felt so loved.

Once Marjorie calmed down she finally started eating her sandwich. “Can I have a bite?” Reece joked. She shot him an evil glare in response. “Oh so I make you a sausage butty and you won't even share a bite?” He laughed. He couldn't believe he had fallen in love with a woman like Marjorie. She was perfect.

Authors note - This idea was from Partofthecribs, hope you enjoy Marjoreece stans x

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