Chapter 3: Huge Misunderstanding

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The thief leaned against the bars with his hand over his mouth.I, who was very bored, stood in front of him, inspecting him."What are you doing stealing jewellery?"
"Aww is kitty cat mad?"He teased.Deku walks up to him and he looks to the side.
"Why exactly did you chase me down?"
"Why were you running from me?"
"Ahem, us.I think you mean us"I said, trying to be funny but they were tits deep in arguing.Deku would walk to one side to look the guy in the eyes and he would turn his head the other way.
"I have work to do so I was in a hurry"
"What kind of work?"Valid question,the thief looked down at Deku.I felt like I was disturbing something so I stayed quiet.
"I move money,know what I mean?May not look it but I'm a skilled negotiator, so if you'll please let me get along with my business okay kid?Thanks."Were the same age dickhead.
"So show me what's in the case and then you're free to go"
"How much are you offering me?"
He said, his face smug as he looked over his shoulder.
Deku gasped what sounded like a 'huh?'
"Ya ask for something it's only natural you should pay for it"
"I just wanna make sure it's not stolen goods"
"Say, you're not a hero from this country are you?Is it really okay for you to do hero work in a foreign land if you don't have permission?"He has a point.
"Well...the thing is-"
"You've got no authority in this city so maybe you should rethink your tone my friend"the thief said,pointing his finger in Deku's face.
"Or should I tell the police that I was chased down and harassed by power hungry heroes who had no legal right to detain me?How do you think that's gonna go over buddy~?Deku just grunted in response."Well, that is kind of true Midoriya"I said, resting my chin on my hand.
"I'm so glad we could come to this understanding, if you wanna do pro work I suggest you stay in your own country from now on"He said,paired with a wink and a cheesy grin.I had half the mind to tackle the bastard, 'Stay in your own country' who does this guy think he is?Fortunately, Midoriya got a hold of his wrist before I got violent so no one got hurt.
"What's your problem?"Shitty shoes asked,still not facing us.
"I told you, I wanna see what's in the case..."
"If you wanna see then flash some cash"no thanks buddy, I've been flashed enough by your ankles.Seriously, who wears formal shoes with no socks?
"Show me and maybe I will..."
"Tch, show me a hundred thousand euros"how much cash does this guy think we carry around?I have a few hundred yen in my belt at most.
"You're out of your mind"Deku responded.At that, the thief thrusted the case into Midoriya's stomach and then began and extremely hard to watch tug of war over a work case, I've never seen Deku so determined.

The little bird from earlier screeched and flew into Deku's face but he leaned his head back,dodging it.God damn it why didn't I bring popcorn.

Eventually the case hits the floor and I walk over to it, as do the two boys.
Wallet, paperwork, binders- this is a regular work case?
"I'm confused-" Deku whimpered, you and me both buddy, you and me both.

Meanwhile with Todoroki

There was a car crash on the bridge earlier.I look at the car and the police point out some pretty large holes in the side of it.
'Was this an attack?' I thought to myself.

Back with Chisaka, Deku and Shitty Shoes

Deku is on his hands and knees, as if he's praying to god."I'm sorry!Please forgive me I beg of you"he howled.Shitty Shoes stood in utter disbelief, I stood next to Deku who was still on the floor.
"I will not be getting on the floor but I too am sorry for accusing you of robbery"I say, hand to my chest.The guy rubbed his hands together, sweating a little at the scene Deku was causing.
"Well I'm just glad that you don't think I'm a criminal anymore, we're good here.I guess even heroes make mistakes and chase after innocent people on occasion" he said before turning around and clutching the case to his chest, sweating even more and I don't think it's because Deku is on the floor this time.

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