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In the poorly blanked bed, snug beneath covers, ears perked up. Listening as he slept peacefully, yet on guard. Something he'd grown used to over the years. If you ever wanted to sleep safely, you had to do so with one eye open. He sighed and nuzzled into the blanket. Odd. Why hadn't ro-
He jolted up in the bed, as the memories all flashed past his eyes. Tightening the grip on the sheets as he showered the room. The medical bay. From the sickly white walls to the front window by the door, he was in Star labs.
"Harvey!" He yelled out hoarsely. His stomach was churning like he hadn't eaten in weeks, his eyes stinging from the bright light above him. He stumbled out of bed, to stumble to the side, only reduced from a embarrassing sight by his hand on the wall. He heaved for air. What had happened?
As his gaze flickered to his hand, he realized. He didn't feel the tears, nor knew he'd begun to cry till the tears soaked his pale skin.
He flinched back as a pair of arm and lump of red hair jolted into him.
"Fuck" he screamed as he hit the floor and lunged his arms around her. Snuggling into her shoulder as the tears fell. He wanted to say something. Anything. But it was all caught in the back of his throat.
"Scarlet, you're gonna open his wounds" Kalis voice echoed from the hallway then she appeared. Her purple hair was loosely tied behind her ears, shining. That shine knowing your loved one was alive.
"I'm okay..." Crowley replied then coughed.
"Well half okay.."
Scarlet swatted him on the head.
"Ow!" He whined as she unleashed him from the hug and rubbed his head.
"I'm the injured one here!"
"Grow some balls" scarlet retorted and stood up. He pouted. Though he was unable to hide a relieved smile. She's okay. She had messy reddish hair dangling past her oversized t shirt and sweatpants.
"You look good.." he said softly.
"Still too hot for you" she replied and held out a hand. He took it and with a groan, stood up.
She was okay. After everything.
"Shut up" she looked away, her sapphire eyes a glint of annoyance and pain. It wasn't something she was ready to talk about. He looked at Kali.
"And Harvey?"
Kalis eyes darkened.
"He's.. complicated.." she replied and waved a hand for him to follow.
The hallways were as depressing as his room had been and each one made him more anxious as he followed Kali.
"We don't exactly understand what his.." she paused, attempting to figure out the correct word.
"Do you know what his ability is?" Scarlet chimes in.
Crowley shook his head.
"No. All I know is it's strong enough Lucifer personally wanted him.." He replied, with distaste. When he'd arrived, Lucifer hovered around him like a hungry hawk. Though..
"He used to have a oxygen tank on his back before Lucifer took him in.." Crowley added. Scarlet bit her lip.
"We treated him here a couple of years ago, after the entity had.." she gulped. He wanted so badly to reach out and take her hand but refused. "Kali arranged the oxygen as liquid seemed prevelant in his lungs.. we weren't completely sure what it was.. but from the little information we have.."
Kali opened the door. Wires stuck out his arms, black as the night itself, and a soft beep chimed through the quiet room.
"He stopped wearing the mask and whatever it is has became a part of him.. or was always.. we're not sure.." Kali explained. The deal. Lucifer had gained control over his ability and suppressed it. But.. her eyes flashed past his mind and he gulped. Without her.. Crowley slowly walked over to a chair by the bed and sat down. Taking it all in. Tears fell from his cheeks quietly.
"It's all my fault.." he broke.
"Don't you dare!" Crowley snapped. "I hurt you. I hurt Harvey. I killed Evie!" His voice rose as the pain seered through his chest. "Non of this would've happened if I'd just stayed by Lucifer.."
scarlet grimaced. "You think that piece of shit would've been better?"
"You'd be safe!" Crowley retorted. As his eyes lowered from her, he grabbed Harvey's hand. A strange tickling feeling rose through his hand a he looked at him. His eyes hadn't opened. But.. he quirked a brow.
"Quite interesting.." Kali softly said. Eyes fixated on the grip. The black liquid stretched thin veils out on Crowleys hand. Crowley smiled weakly.
"Harvey saved me once with this.. the.. the guards were going to kill me and he merged with me to protect me.." he spoke softly. He heard shuffling and looked up to see Kali write it down on a board. She then tapped the pain on her chin.
"Fusion. Impenetrable liquid..." she looked up. "Has he shown any capability of teleportation?"
Scarlet quirked a brow.
"Not that I remember.." Crowley replied unsure. Kali nibbled on her lip.
"At one point, when we hung out to drink.. he seemed to just disappear.." scarlet drifted off. Crowley quirked a brow and looked between the two.
"We had a case.. back in Texas.. a boy that had a similar ability to Harvey.." Kali spoke slowly. Thoughtful. "I didn't get to do research about him as his time was short.." she said with a sigh. Scarlet looked down. They'd lost someone. He felt his throat dry.
"But this boy was capable of regenerating any physical damage like it'd never happened.." Kali continued. Thoughtful with a puzzled look as she looked at Harvey. Crowley quirked a brow and looked at him. He looked peaceful. For once.
"Then shouldn't Harvey be capable of this as well?" Crowley asked quietly.
"We're not sure it's even the same case.." Kali replied. Crowley stood up.
"You did research on him a year prior! Did you not attempt to figure this out back tben?" He snapped.
Scarlet held out a hand. Eyes fixated on him with a unexplainable emotion.
"We don't know much about Harvey's past.." Kali continued calmly.
"You had enough time though!" Crowley snapped, gripping his hands firmly. He felt frustrated. Confused.
"Crowley!" Scarlet snapped. Their eyes met and locked.
"Harvey was my friend.. my best friend.." scarlet spoke softly. "I asked her to not do it.."
scarlet sighed and let her gaze fade.
"Harvey was abused by the entity for so long we don't know what itd do to him if we did the research procedures.. he wasn't a test subject.. he was my closest friend.." Scarlet spoke softly. Pain hiding behind her eyes. He'd been abused. Crowley felt lost for words. He knew Harvey had had it tough but not that. He let his gaze falter to Harvey. Fuck. He'd escaped one abuser to fall right into the hands of another. It wasn't fair. He should've lived. He reached out his hand and closed his eyes.
"I'm so sorry.." he murmured softly. Every time he'd snapped at him, pushed back and let Lucifer go on.. he didn't.. he felt the sensation sizzle up his arm like a jolt of electricity. He quirked his brow and opened his eyes to see the liquid once more crawl up his hand. He wondered.. was Harvey there? In that space he'd been in when the two merged? He bit his lip.
"Crowley? What are"
Scarlet and Kali broke into protest as Crowley sat down on the bed.
"Relax.." he said calmly. "I need to be close for us to fuse.."
Scarlet gave a grunt of amusement and led Kali out of the room. Crowley stared at the two in annoyance. God. Just the thought of being this close to Harvey made his cheeks flush red. Fuck. His gaze flickered to Harvey's closed eyes.
"I'm so glad you can't see this.." he muttered softly annoyed and shuffled awkwardly onto the bed to lie down. Fuck fuck fuck. His cheeks flushed redder as he realized how close he was to Harvey. He hadn't been this close to anyone since Eveline. The thought hurt. But if this helped.. if he could see Harvey one more time.. he shook his head.
"God dammit..." he muttered shyly. I fucking hope this works..
slowly, he entangle his hands with Harvey's and closed his eyes. Merge with me. Please if you hear this.. he felt the sensation tingle up his hands and let himself go. Smiling softly. It felt warm. Welcoming.

He gently opens his eyes and looks around. It was pitch black. Like a big ball of darkness that engulfed the space. What the.. he blinked and looked around. It felt like he wasn't even walking on anything. Yet he wasn't falling.
"Birds can't fly.. they're not suppose to.. like bees"
He quirked a brow and scowered the black space. He could hear steps and overlapping voices but harvey wasn't in sight.
"Bees are like drones that just follow you and follow you and they stalk you and know when you eat and sleep and drink"
"Harvey?" He called out. His head was like a tangled ball of wires that hadn't been undone.
"And they know you're there like they know you're always there watching praying eating the gods"
He looked around. The voices were coming from above. Ugh.
"Harvey!" He called out.
"And thoughts and wires and wires! It's all connected like wires!"
He looked around and noticed a shadow in the distance. It didn't look like it even moved. More like it just stood there. Laughter echoed through the space causing Crowley to flinch. It sounded hollow. gone.
"The wires tangle and tangle and tangle and they can't come loose no no no if they come loose it all trickles away like a feather on a horse but that'a just life cause the horse can't ride.."
"Harvey!" Crowley called out and squinted to see the shadow move. A blurry figure appeared in front of him. What the. It looked half like Harvey and half black. Moving pulsing liquid that corrupted half of his body like he'd been sliced in half. His eyes were red, with a deranged look.
"Mother will find you.. mother will find you.. cause of the wires.."
Crowley grabbed his hands causing Harvey to flinch. For a second, he saw something glint within his eyes.
"A bird shouldn't fly.. a bee shouldn't fly.."
"Harvey it's me.. birdie.." Crowley spoke softly. Harvey's eyes locked with him and his hands begun to shake.
"Birdie.. but birds shouldn't fly.. they're drones.. they're a thought like the sky and the waves.."
"Shhh shhhh" Crowley hushed him gently. "Breath Harvey.."
"Birds shouldn't fly.. birds can't fly" Harvey's voice begun to shake, like a whimper as he spoke. Crowley gently hushed him, letting him fall into him as he shook. He seemed so afraid and lost. It hurt to see him like this.
"The wires.." Harvey whimpered, grasping onto Crowley like his life depended on it.
"I know.." Crowley gently spoke and caressed his hair. "I know.." He felt awful looking at Harvey. All of this, whatever this space was, it'd worsened his mental state leaving him deranged and confused. And he'd been the one to send him here. He bit his lip. Shakily clutching onto Harvey.
"I'm not letting you go again.." Crowley whispered. Closing his eyes as he leaned into Harvey. "Not ever again.."
He felt Harvey's breath calm down slowly.
"Good.." Crowley said softly. "Breath"
It felt like a long time till Harvey's breath was soft and gentle. His grasp was still tight which left Crowley smiling to himself.
He inhaled sharply and softly leaned back to look at Harvey. The blood red colour that'd once taken over his eye was gone. He smiled gently and brushed a strand of stray hair out of his eyes.
"I'm here Harvey.." He said softly. Harvey looked terrified.
"What's going on?" He asked quietly.
Crowley shrugged. "I don't know.. but we need-"
A loud noise overtook his voice and his spine shivered. As he looked up from Harvey's gaze, it was met with thousands of red eyes in the sky. All staring at them.
"Harvey.." he gulped.
"What's going on.." Harvey whimpered.
Growls echoed through the space, it looked like millions of them whatever they were. His hands begun to shake. They weren't merged..
"Harvey, you need to get us out of here.." he muttered softly. Eyes fixated on the red eyes. Harvey quirked a brow and looked up. His eyes widened.
"She's here.." he whimpered and coward into him. Fuck. Fuck.. he lifted Harvey's face to his.
"Please.. we need to get out.." Crowley pled quietly. Harvey was shaking, his pupils shot wit fear.
"She's here.. she's here.."
"Harvey.. focus.." Crowley muttered. Clasping their hands together as he looked around. He couldn't count them all as some was distant but whatever they were were many. Like a pack. He couldn't see what they were or where. This place was disorientating.
"Harvey.." he looked back at Harvey and leaned into him. Letting their forehead touch.
"I.... I'm mortal.." he whispered into him. Harvey flinched and looked up. His eyes widening as he realized. What they'd done. He knew the risk when he went to Lucifer but he chose freedom. Even with the risks. Harvey nods and holds Crowleys hands. The surroundings seemed to disappear, blurt out like the wind had risen up and washed it away. The colors became brighter until he closed his eyes and leaned in.

He blinked and opened his eyes to see Scarlet peek in through the doorway. With relief washing over him, he grabbed Harvey and hugged him.
"We're okay!"
But something was wrong. Harvey was still shaking, still. He quirked a brow and looked down at him. His eyes were focused on his chest. Terrified. He'd seen that look before.
"She's still alive.." he muttered softly. Crowley quirked a brow and looked at Scarlet.
"I'll get Kali.."

Skulls and Sins (18+)Where stories live. Discover now