Chapter 1: Crushed Confusion

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Chapter 1: Crushed Confusion

Marshall’s paws felt heavier with every step as he circled around the Lookout. His eyes kept drifting over to Ella, who was shining brighter than the morning sun as she laughed with Skye. Every time he caught a glimpse of her golden fur, his heart did an awkward flip.

Marshall: (mumbling to himself) “Stop staring, Marshall… She’s way out of your league. Just be cool… be cool…”

He accidentally stumbled over his own paws and landed face-first into the grass.

Marshall: (groaning) “Not cool…”

Before he could pick himself up, Tuck appeared out of nowhere, his expression serious.

Tuck: (crossing his paws) “What are you doing, Marshall? Practicing for a dive?”

Marshall quickly got to his feet, brushing off his fur.

Marshall: “Uh… yeah! Just, uh, working on my… uh… grass inspection skills!”

Tuck didn’t buy it for a second.

Tuck: (narrowing his eyes) “Listen, Marshall. I’ve noticed how you look at my sister, and I don't want you having any funny ideas… Ella deserves the best.”

Marshall felt like he’d just been dunked in a bucket of ice water. He swallowed hard, his ears drooping.

Marshall: (quietly) “Yeah… I know. I just… I just want her to be happy.”

All Tuck does is look Marshall up and down and roll his eyes

Meanwhile, across the yard, Zuma was watching the whole thing with a deep frown. He nudged Rocky, who was adjusting his gadget collection.

Zuma: (whispering, frustrated) “Can you believe this? Marshall thinks he’s got a shot with Ella. It’s ridiculous! I mean, come on. He’s too… floppy!”

Rocky chuckled, shaking his head.

Rocky: “Floppy or not, maybe Ella sees something you don’t. Or maybe… you’re just worried she doesn’t see you?”

Zuma huffed, flicking his tail in irritation.

Zuma: “It’s not about me! It’s about what’s right for her… and I’m pretty sure that’s not Marshall.”

On the other side, Ella had been sneaking glances at Marshall all morning. She’d seen him trip over his paws, blush furiously, and then try to act like nothing happened. It made her giggle every time. She turned to Skye with a hopeful smile.

Ella: (softly) “Do you think Marshall’s avoiding me… because he doesn’t like me?”

Skye rolled her eyes playfully.

Skye: “Ella, if he were any more obvious, he’d have a neon sign over his head. He likes you. He’s just too nervous to show it.”

Ella felt a flutter of excitement mixed with frustration. She wasn’t used to being patient, especially when her heart was involved.

Ella: (determined) “Well, maybe it’s time I stop waiting and start… talking.”

Gathering her courage, Ella walked over to where Marshall was standing, trying to make himself look smaller under Tuck’s scrutinizing gaze. Marshall’s heart jumped when he saw her approach, and he immediately started fumbling with his paws.

Ella: (brightly) “Hey, Marshall! Can we… talk for a second?”

Marshall froze, his eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights.

Marshall: (stammering) “Uh, yeah! Sure, Ella… I mean, of course… I… I’m listening!”

Tuck sighed dramatically, but Ella ignored him, her gaze focused on Marshall. She leaned in a little closer, her voice soft.

Ella: “I’ve noticed you’ve been acting a bit… strange around me lately. Is there something on your mind?”

Marshall's mouth opened, but no words came out. His mind was racing, a hundred thoughts colliding at once.

Marshall: (thinking) “Come on, Marshall, say something cool… anything cool…”

Finally, he blurted out:

Marshall: “I like bones!”

Ella blinked, and then burst out laughing, her tail wagging with amusement.

Ella: (giggling) “Marshall, I know you like bones… but that’s not what I meant!”

Marshall’s face flushed bright red, but seeing Ella’s smile, he felt a little braver. Maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t as out of his league as he thought.

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