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Trigger Warning: Mentions of drug addiction and emotional abuse

AN: 11 Years ago (Age 15)

I recently became the youngest agent in Rex history. Along with Fiona too. I beat her entrance exam time by a second and spent all day rubbing it in her face. Silas was in rehab at the time so he missed my graduation ceremony. He's back now and is taking me out to dinner to celebrate. He didn't bother inviting my dad because my dad would just say "He doesn't want to celebrate me finally doing what i'm supposed to do." He's allergic to feelings so saying good job would make him break out in hives and die.

"Hey Seb you ready?"

"Yeah i just need to grab my shoes."

"Well hurry up. I wanna give you your present."

"Silas you didn't have to. It's just a stupid ceremony."

I didn't get him anything for his ceremony. In my defense I was 11.

"No it's a big deal. You broke a record none of us could beat. 15 man that's crazy. Don't let Dad convince you it's nothing...I wish I could have been there."

I do too, but I know he couldn't have. My dad demanded he do a 3 month rehab stay because this was his fourth time going into rehab. He finished the program a few days after the ceremony. My dad made sure no one knew the truth so people think he's been in a deep cover mission but came back because he got injured. It's not totally false. He did get injured in a mission but it was because he was fighting someone on the roof of a house while high off coke. He fell and was badly injured.

Since he was about 17 Silas has had a coke addiction. He alternates between being a high functioning addict, hitting rock bottom, and being sober for small stretches. Those sober patches are when the old Silas returns. The Silas who was confident, happy, and passionate. The Silas who hadn't cracked under the pressure of my dad's expectations and turned to drugs to cope with the stress.

At dinner he lets me open my graduation gift. It's a box set of The Office. He knows i'm being shipped off to a boarding school for my first official mission. I'm going to have to infiltrate a prestigious private school and spy on the wealthy/elite kids and families there. The property the school was built on is in a far off place in the woods of New England. Some large ass piece of land the rich founder owned. In conclusion, the the wifi will be terrible. I'll have to use mini drones and written letters to give and receive mission information. It also means I won't be able to stream The Office. I can however use a DVD player. 

"Thanks man." I say. I give him a hug and put down the gift.

"Of course. I love you Seb." He says.

"I love you too."


Present Day (2 Months after chapter 7 takes place)

Fiona has been out of town the last four days so i've had the place to myself. She was supposed to be back last night but decided to stay and mess around with some guy she met while undercover. I really envy her. I have to wait until my next out of town assignment before I get any and who knows when that will be. It's been months and I'm going crazy.

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