The Solo Memories...

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The Solo memories...
One day C Pearl and Bay were hanging around in the bay when C Pearl noticed that bay was practicing her Solo for the West Wave Comp. It brought her memories of her solo.
She would jumpspin into the water and go down she would aggressively pop up her head and then aggressively pull back down she would kick up her tail once or twice for the gold. C Pearl won 2nd in her first comp 1st in her next comp and continued unbeaten. However Bay went to different comps.
Bay's Solo was different. She would spin aggressively as many times possible using her hands decoratively and forcefully.
Ah the sweet memories of medals...
Now they were into different stuff C Pearl was a star at staying underwater forever and Bay was the fastest swimmer in the west south and north coast.
However they have a hobby that could screw up their championship lives...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2015 ⏰

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