Chapter 1. Magic In The Making

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A/N: This is my first Wattpad book it's kinda a mix between Charlie Bone and Percy Jackson. (Both Book Siries I Haven't Finished Yet) I didn't name it "A Percy Jackson And Charlie Bone Story" bc I wanted to make my own story just some ideas from the two sieries. Enjoy!

   Aleka's P.O.V:
Ok, so you if you met me you wouldn't think I'm a rather normal person. I'm not sure why I think that. Or why anyone thinks that. I just know, and I'm okay with it.

Anyways... After 4 years of being treated like I'm some alien I noticed something. I had a talent! Not a talent like playing piano or sports, but a talent something like moving thinks with my mind! Or telethinises if you would. And I'm not talking about the cartons where they say, "Aserath mentrion Zenthois!" And their eyes turn black and so does the objet with a big bubble around it. I'm taking looking at the object, set my mind to it, and literally having it move.

Now. I'm a responsible kid (preteen if you would) so I told my parents about this. But when I did, their eyes got wide and my Moms mouth was agape and my Dad just ran over to the study and started throwing books off the shelf as if looking for a book. He was. He took out a book that said "Kalivas Family Files" he scanned through it as my Mom came rushing toward him and looking at the book too.

"No..." He said, "It's not possible!" My mother said in awe. "How could it have skipped 4 generations?" She asked my father looking terrified. They took a look at each other then a look at me.

Mom's P.OV:
"Uh... Honey" I said trying my hardest to make Aleka feel better. She didn't seem to feel better though. "Yeah Mom?" She said "What is it?" She seemed a little exited but mostly scared.

I paused. Should we tell her? Should we tell her that we've had a family secret about endowments this whole time?

I didn't know what to do but the words came shooting through my mouth, "Go to your room. Your father and I need to talk." She seemed to have taken affiance giving that she stepped bake looking shocked. "Now!" Another word came out of my mouth. She said nothing. And yet, it felt like she started crying. She ran to her room but instead of slamming the door like I thought she would, there was a noise like someone or something fell to the ground before she could reach the door.
Chapter 2. CHP Is Told

Dads P.O.V:
After my wife Mary Anne's big explosion at Aleka leaving her running off to her room, we heard a bang. Not a bang like a door, a bang like an object or (I hate I'm saying this) Aleka. Mary Anne and I rushed over to her bedroom door to find our daughter in the doorway.

Aleka was standing in the doorway with her hand outstretched staring at something on the floor- something broken. When Mary (I normally leave out the "Anne") saw the tears in our daughters eyes, she went over and hugged her as Aleka cried in her mothers arms.

Moms P.O.V:
As Aleka was crying in my arms I motioned my husband David to see what happened. He looked down at it and almost started crying too. He picked it up and showed it to me.

It was his late mother's crystal cross she gave to Aleka. It was one of themost valued items in her purple bedroom. Every night before our family went to bed, we would say her prayers to grandma Me-Me while holding that cross.

It was the last we had of her in the whole house.

Aleka's P.O.V:
When all of the tears inside me were gone I let go of my mother and noticed the big wet blotch of tears on her favorite lavender sweater. When mom noticed I stopped, she asked, "Honey, what happened!" She yelled, but I knew that she wasn't mad.

"W-When I opened (I sniffled) the door an-an-and my h-hand was still out reached, the cro-cro (I held back some tears) cross from Grandma Me-Me started floating and when I put my arm down... It- it-" "It dropped?" My Dad finished for me. "Yeah." I said feeling very sorry and ashamed.

"Oh Honey!" Mom said, "We need to send her to that camp straight away." She said looking at Dad now.

I was confused. Send? Camp? Straight Away? "What camp?" I blurted out not feeling as sad anymore. My parents looked at each other. "Well, it's time we tell you." Dad started. My little sister Sirena walked in but I'm not sure if my parents knew or not. They just continued anyways.

"The camp we are talking about is called CHP, that stands for Camp Half Pure. The camp is just any old summer camp for normal kids, but their are 7 kids their who have powers or endowments. Once you get there, there will be 8." Mom first said about the camp. Wait, normal? Am I not normal in my own fathers eyes? Why? Was it from my curly hair? The fact I bite my nails? Ugh! Stupid ADHD!

"Wait, but do we have to keep it a secret that we are endowed?" I asked not knowing wether I should be exited about going to this camp, or worried.

"Yes." Dad answered for me. "The other almost 60 kids that cannot know about the different day schedules you will have." "Wait... Day schedules!? As in, I'm staying there all night and day? For how long?" Mom wiped away a small tear, "Um... It's all summer for endowed children, all of the others only go every other week and go home on the weekends." She explained.

"WHAT!?!?!!" A voice of an 8 year old said. Oh ya, it was and eight year old, my little sister Sirena. "ALEKA WILL BE GONE ALL SUMMER!?!!" She yelled in anger. "No need to scream Sirena." Dad said. I guess he did know she was there. Humph. That's wired. And when did we sit down in the family room? Ugh! ADHD reacting again!

"Since your powers are getting stronger by the day, we'll need to send you this Friday so-" "Friday! That's tomorrow Dad!" Mom nodded at that note. "Well, yes. And, I guess it is." Dad said in a oddly suspicious mocking voice. "Right then." Sirena said as if she were some British adult, "I guess I'll be an only child now... Ok. Great!" Man, I hate when Sirena acts sarcastic...

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