Chapter 6

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"I mean come on you have to take into account that marriage is not the same construct and need it was back in 1813," Veronica called across the table slightly exasperated.

Months had passed since Veronica and Jughead had gotten back from their short stay on the island. The new semester started and Veronica and Jughead found themselves sharing an English literature class. It focused on the classics and their meaning in modern society. Veronica took it just to satisfy an elective but she never expected to see Jughead there. There were so many other sections of the course why did he have to pick the same one as her?

They were sitting in a booth with Betty and Archie trying to have a quick lunch before they had to go off to their next classes. Unfortunately for their friends, lunch just so happened to be right after their lit class.

"Exactly. Marriage is and always has been a social construct and she even opens the book up with a quote that makes it glaringly obvious marriage is not about love but about some kind of transaction. 'It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.' What other way can you look at that if not for social necessity and money." Jughead tapped the top of the book as he spoke.

"Yes marriage is a huge theme in the book but if you take those characters and put them into today's society they would not be having the same arguments about marriage and its importance. Nowadays marriage plays a completely different role. Elizabeth wouldn't be needing to find a husband in the same manner as she does in the book."

"But wouldn't you say that if they were put into the modern times Mrs. Bennett would still have the same need for her daughters to thrive and find a man with money? That kind of ambition still plagues our society today in the new view of status and fame. There are so many people out there that still put on the facade-" Jughead and Veronica's attention is turned toward their friends when Archie clears his throat so loudly it catches the attention of the people in the booths on either side of them. Either that or their argument was a lot more intense than they had originally thought.

"Can we please just have one lunch in peace where you guys are not arguing over something?" Archie asks, slumping slightly forward to look them both in the eyes as best he can.

"I mean we barely get to hang out together with our new schedules so we'd like to talk to you guys too. Preferable about something we all understand." Betty chimed in.

"Sorry." They both say in unison. Jughead dropped his book back into his bag that sat at their feet.

"It's fine it's just we haven't seen you guys at each other's throats this much since junior year. Ever since we got back from spring break it's like you can't seem to be civil." Betty points out the glaringly obvious fact that they haven't been the same since Jughead blew up on her the night before they got back.

"Yeah well," Veronica called under her breath. She wasn't looking at Jughead but she knew his face was hardening in defense.

"What happened guys?" Betty asked gently.

Veronica looked at Jughead and he stared back, eyes dark and jaw clenched. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Jughead grabbed his bag off the floor, slinging the strap over his head, and walked out of the room. Veronica took a deep breath, pushed out of the booth herself, and followed after him.

Alright, Jones, that's it." Veronica called at his back. She waited until he turned around to look at her before she continued. "Why are you so upset with me? I mean I know why I'm upset with you and quite frankly I feel as if I have every right to be, but why on earth are you so angry with me? What did I do to you, huh?"

"Nothing Veronica." Jughead sighed.

"Obviously it's something otherwise you wouldn't be only either ignoring me or arguing with me for months." Honestly, Veronica was getting fed up with the fighting and ignoring. She wanted it all to just go back to the way it was before they got stranded on that stupid island.

"Just forget it."

"No, I will not forget it. You are going to tell me what's bothering you and then we're going to deal with it so we can go back to being friendly enough that our friends don't get fed up with being our friends."

"It's easier to be angry with you."

"Easier than?" She was going to scream if he didn't get to the damn point.

"Easier than dealing with the fact that what happened on our last night there wasn't just a spur-of-the-moment decision but something I've been thinking about for years but there is no way in hell it'll ever work out because you want so much more out of life than I can give you."

"What exactly do you think you can't give me?" She was trying so hard to hold it together. So many emotions were swirling around in her head making it impossible to even think. Was he saying what she thought he was? Was she misinterpreting everything? The tears were building and the air felt too thick to make it into her lungs.

"I can't give you that fairytale life. I will never be a golden boy. I will never be someone you can bring home a present to your family. I will always be south-side scum in this town. You deserve more than that." It was something he had always known about himself. It was one of the underlying reasons he and Betty had broken up.

"Jug?" Veronica whispered his name as she got closer to him. "Why on earth do you think that's something I want?"

"What?" She could see the shock on his face and continued forward.

"I don't wanna be here anymore Jug. I'm not happy here. I haven't felt truly happy since we left the island. I have never wanted the fairytale life you talk about. I've always wanted something different for myself than my parents have and it was never so clear as when I came back here."

They were nearly touching, just inches from one another and Veronica never took her eyes off his. His eyes scanned her face but he was silent.

"The second I get my bachelor's next semester I'm out of here and I don't think I'm ever coming back."

Jughead's hands came up to her cheeks and before she had time to ask any questions he was leaning down and pressing his lips onto hers. It wasn't like the one in that dingy motel. No. It was better. Jughead was not holding back, not running away and it made all the difference. He kissed her until she couldn't breathe. Then and only then did he pull away.

"I'm sorry." Jughead didn't drop his hands, he held her face and forced her to look at him while he apologized.

"Don't be sorry for that honestly it was probably the best kiss I've ever had." She chuckled slightly.

"No not for that. For being an ass these past few months. Well before that too." His smile spread across his face so brightly it made her smile back.

"Hey guys everything... Okay. We'll give you a minute." Archie said as he rounded the corner followed by Betty.

Jughead finally dropped his hands from Veronica's face and she turned to look at her friends. Jughead draped his arm over her shoulder with a small laugh and guided them the few feet to their friends.

"Everything is all good now, guys." He said to Betty and Archies slightly confused faces.

"Yeah, everything's back to normal." Veronica couldn't help but smile. Normal was definitely not the right word to use but damn if it didn't feel right to be under his arm. 

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